Saturday, August 31, 2019

Early Civilizations

Early Civilizations HUMA215-1205A-32 Topics in Cultural Studies Unit 1 Discussion Board Shannon Sullivan There were many different forces that have contributed to the cultural makeup of early civilization. The beginning of human culture predates back to thousands of years which can be seen through evidence that has been discovered. This evidence that was left behind by the earliest of humans is found by cave paintings that helped to understand how these prehistoric individuals lived and survived in their everyday life.One aspect that contributed to the cultural makeup is from geographical areas from where these early humans lived. The geographical region determined what their main focus was when it came to agriculture, hunting, trade and religion. The availability of these natural resources would affect the kinds of houses they lived in, the types of weapons and tools they used, the food they ate and the type of containers they used to store food and supplies (Trigger, 2003). A numbe r of social issues occurred because of this cultural makeup. These issues were the cause of war and conflicts between many of these early humans.One of the factors that caused social problems was a result of different spiritual and religious beliefs. Others factors were political, economic and the development of one’s social class. Since early civilization started, humans lived successfully in small hunting and gathering tribes. This was the dominant way of life until agriculture began to gradually replace hunting and gathering of necessities such as food, clothing and homes which was some of the main cultural influences on early civilizations (All World History for Us, n. d. ). Revisionist history can be bad.The problem with revisionist history is that it usually is written by someone who has a curriculum that they want to publicize. Most of this comes from inaccurate information from an unbiased viewpoint. Their minds tend to be made up prior to looking at the facts. This r esults in choosing facts that support their viewpoint and ignoring facts that disprove their predetermined ideas. Another problem with revisionist history is that it tends to judge people, cultures and experiences in the past by the values, ethics and morals of today's society.People in the past lived with the knowledge, superstitions, values and ethics of their day and should be studied to find the correct information. The only good thing about revisionist history is when the correct information has been given. All World History for Us. (n. d. ). Farming and the Emergence of Complex Societies. Retrieved from http://worldhistoryforusall. sdsu. edu/eras/era3. php Trigger, B. G. (2003). Understanding Early Cilivizations. Retrieved from http://catdir. loc. gov/catdir/samples/cam034/2002074052. pdf

Friday, August 30, 2019

Biography of Dr.Jose Rizal

This is not so! To support this argument Michael Faraday is the perfect example. Faraday didn't receive a formal education, yet through the dint of hard work and sheer determination he became one of the 19'Th Century. Michael Faraday belonged to the poor family of a blacksmith. His parents were so poor that they were not able to send Faraday to school. At a time when all boys of his age went to school, Faraday was ngaged in menial work.Due to the crushing poverty of his family, Faraday was forced to take up several odd Jobs that taught him how to fend for himself when he was still a minor. However, in the course of time, Faradays hard work and a flair for science made him one of the most successful scientists of his time in England. Faraday took deep interest in science and made a significant contribution to the study of physics and chemistry. Faraday had an extraordinary number of ingenious ways to work out on scientific methods. This special ability of Faradays astonished many reno wned scientists of his time.Faraday was the first scientist who succeeded in liquefying a permanent gas. This was without doubt a great discovery of his time. Moreover, Faraday is much acclaimed for his major contribution to electricity and magnetism. It was Faraday who laid the foundation of the electric motor, the generator, the transformer, etc. As with physics Faraday was also interested In chemistry. He discovered benzene and used it for different purposes In fact, Faraday didn't have a university education; but he was still unanimously appointed professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution.This was the acknowledgement of his rofound knowledge and Ingenious capacity to deal with scientific methods. Faradays lectures on science were highly knowledge and fully of witty remarks. In order to give due respect to Michael Faraday, a unit of electricity was named after him. It is called â€Å"Farad† this Is the unit to measures an amount of electrical charge. In the course of time, Faraday developed generators and transformers which were regarded as major Inventions of 19'Th century. Not only this, Faraday Is also remembered for having coined new technical words used In electricity Ilke Ion, electrode, cathode, and anode etc.MICHAEL FARADAY was born on September 22, 1791, In Newington Butts, London In 1786. By profession, Mr. James Faraday and Mrs. Margaret Hastwell migrated from Clapham, Yorkshire, to London In 1786. By profession, Mr. James Faraday was a blacksmith, and he was managing to survive on a very meager Income. Faradays early childhood was spent In poverty and hardship. When Faraday was a young boy of ten, he saw all his playmates going to school. Like many other boys, Faraday also wanted go to school , therefore he repeatedly Implored his father to send him to school but his father would say , â€Å"next year†, and that next year never came.As a result , all his life Faraday was deprived of school and a university education. Actually Mr. Faraday wanted to send his son to school , but he was simply unable duo to his very poor financial state. HIS Income was quite low and also not very reliable. Due to such an erratic Income from his profession Mr. Faraday could not send his son to send him to a school. â€Å"l should do something to educate myself. † Although Faraday was not going to school, he had an unusual obsession for reading and collecting books of all kinds. His interest chiefly lay in science.He began to collect good books o matter how expensive they were and , to meet the expenses of buying books ; Faraday began to do all sorts of odd Jobs that came his way. Faradays love for books was well known among his friends. One fine morning, Faraday was going to a Job when he met one of his bosom pals, he informed Faraday about a Job opportunity available in a bookbinding shop. This was absolutely fabulous news for Faraday because he knew working in a bookbinding shop meant getting an opportunity to read plenty of books.Faraday immediately changed direction and headed towards the bookbinder's shop and asked the owner for the Job. The owner of the bookbinding shop was Mr. Riebau who was a kind man. He agreed to employ Faraday on a nominal wage, but for Faraday a Job in a bookbinding shop was more valuable than any wage. Faraday was extremely happy with his new Job. He would go to work well before the duty time and leave late in the evening. Faraday would also bring some books with him whose delivery was to be made little late. Faraday started serious study of any science books which fell into his hand.He had taken a keen interest in science , but especially in physics and chemistry. It became a routine for Faraday to study late into the night , but sometimes he would even remain awake for the whole night and read an entire book in a single sitting. Faraday worked in Mr. Riebau's bookbinding shop for over eight years. After 8 years of service in Mr. Riebau's shop , Faraday then Joined in Mr. De La Roche's bookbinding shop. Here too Faraday did his work with complete dedication and gave his mater no opportunity to make a complaint against him.During this period Faraday had successfully managed to collect his own personal library which he kept in his little bedroom where he would study physics and chemistry with complete dedication. While reading science and the works of great scientists , Faraday began to nurture a desire of becoming a scientists deep in his heart. One day a satisfied costumer gave a ticket to Faraday. The ticket was a gate-pass to attend lecture of Sir Humphrey Daw at Royal Institute. Faraday was very grateful to the gentleman who have him the ticket as he was very eager to attend the lectures.On the day of Daws lectures Faraday reached the hall almost an hour early and secure his seat in the first row so that he could see and hear Daws lecture clearly. One by one Faraday attended all the lectures of Sir. Humphrey Daw. Sir Humphrey Daws learned lectures left a profound impression on Faraday. While Sir Daw was delivering lectures , Faraday has noted down every single important fact in his notebook. Later he carefully studied those notes and wrote several pages which he made into a thick book and went straight to Humphrey Daws house.Faraday handed over this book to Sir Humphrey Daw and requested him to read in his leisure time. Sir Daw studied Faradays book and found it very interesting. A few days later Faraday asked Sir Daws opinion about his book , Sir Daw said he was impressed by his work and these words of Sir Daw were more than enough to nspire a young man like Faraday. Faradays meeting with Sir Daw left a good impression upon Sir Daws mind. A few months later Faraday sought a Job in Sir Daws laboratory, because he was eager to see scientific experiments close-up. as extremely glad as he had the opportunity to work under the guidance of Sir Daw, a renowned scientist of his time. Faraday was very delighted in order to i mprove his understanding of science. Sir Daw taught him several important aspects of physics and chemistry that tremendously helped to expand Faradays mental horizon . Sir Daw was also very satisfied at seeing Faradays rapid progress as he was picking up verything very quickly. After one year of hard work , Faraday has the opportunity to be one of the members of Sir Daws entourage on a European tour.On this important tour , Sir Daw delivered many erudite lectures that Faraday had noted down in his notebooks. Faraday had also received some rare opportunities to meet with some renowned scientists. Faraday duly capitalised on this opportunity to improve his scientific Knowledge. While Faraday was doing very well in science , Mrs. Daw never treated Faraday as more than a servant , but Faraday never made any complaint about her obnoxious behaviour to Sir Daw. Faraday remained a through gentleman all his life. Upon his return from the tour on 1815 , Faraday became even more ambitious to b e a scientist then he was before.Now he wanted to establish his own identity as a scientist rather than Just as a working assistant in Sir Daws laboratory. So Faraday began to study will all his ability. Faraday seriously began making a series of experiments until late into the night. On the basis of his long-time experiments and through study of science. He eventually developed electromagnetic rotations. Faraday showed his discoveries to Sir Daw and asked his opinion for its publication n the scientific Journal, but Sir Daw delayed giving his opinion on Faradays discoveries and that soured their relationship.Sir Daw did not acknowledge Faradays achievement at the first sight and never gave the ideas for this. Anyway , Faraday was most embarrassed at receiving such a cold reception from Sir Daw. However , without getting Sir Daws approval, Faraday published his works on electromagnetic rotation. When Faradays papers were published in a reputed science Journal, Sir Daw blamed Faraday for publishing his papers without his acknowledgement. After the publication of Faradays papers in the science Journal hose scientists who disliked Faraday accused him of stealing or plagiarizing the ideas of other scientists.Faraday did not lend an ear to the clamor his opponents were making, Instead Faraday went on with more experiments and published many scientific papers in several Journals. Faraday succeeded to liquefy chlorine in 1823 and proved that a gas can also be liquefied. Slowly but steadily , Faraday was emerging from obscurity into the limelight as a rising scientist. Faraday submitted an application to the Royal Institute in 1824 and sought to be elected a fellow of the Royal Institute , but his application was ruthlessly turned down.Later it was suspected that actually Sir Daw did not want to see Faraday sitting equal to him. In spite of Sir Daws strong opposition , the following year Faraday was elected a fellow of the Royal Society and later directory of the labo ratory of the Royal Institute. Faraday took special interest in the study of electromagnetic function. After a series of experiments , he discovered electromagnetic induction , the battery , the electric arc , and electrostatics. These were some of the major discoveries which duly lifted eputation to a new height as a most brilliant scientist.The loads of work and staying up late into night caused severe harm to his health. Due to heavy workload, he often Faraday complained of losing his memory and that made him unable to write about studying or experiment on new things as freely as he wanted. Faraday passed away peacefully at the age of 76 in his arm chair on August 25 , 1867. Faraday discoveries and inventions created new avenues in the field of science and technology. Faraday was without doubt one of the foremost scientist who set the foundations of scientific discovery.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mariano Azuela’s novel “Los de Abajo” Essay

Mariano Azuela’s novel â€Å"Los de Abajo†, titled â€Å"The Underdogs† by Enrique Munguà ­a Jr., in his English translation, has been hailed as the novel of the Mexican revolution. In this novel Azuela creates characters representative of the two factions that are at variance, the revolutionaries and the federalists. The novel is divided into three parts and each part subdivided into chapters, the first part being the longest and the third being the shortest. Enrique Munguà ­a’s translation is about 140 pages in length and many have noted that this novel is one of Azuela’s shortest. The novel is, however, quite entertaining and it maintains the readers’ attention throughout. For anyone interested in a serious study of Mexican history, this is an essential novel to read as it gives a perspective into the social aspects of the revolution that few textbooks can capture. The book has historical significance because it gives a description of the Mexican revolution from the perspective of people who were directly affected by and involved in the revolutionary process. Literally the title of the novel in Spanish â€Å"Los de Abajo† translates to mean those from or at the bottom. This I believe is a very appropriate title and in itself captures Azuela’s primary argument that he maintains throughout the novel. The revolutionaries and the federalists are constantly juxtaposed against each other in the novel but Azuela, through the eyes of Luis Cervantes, allows the reader to see that the two groups are not that dissimilar. Both factions display distrust, treachery, moral decadence and kill so mercilessly that it is no wonder that the words of the title â€Å"Los de Abajo† is used in the novel to refer to both the rebels and the federalists. Early in Part I chapter three when Demetrio led his men into the first ambush of the government troops he instructs his men to â€Å"Get those coming up from under! Los de Abajo! Get the underdogs!† be screamed. Later on in chapter 6 the narrator reflects of Luis Cervantes, on the first night of his joining the revolutionaries, that â€Å"Did not the sufferings of the underdogs, of the disinherited masses, move him to the core?†¦ the subjugated, the beaten and baffled.† The events in the novel mirror the Mexican revolution of 1910. The main plot of the story is that of a peasant farmer, Demetrio Macias who, after having suffered at the hands of the federalists, decides to join Pancho Villa’s revolutionary army. A defector of the government army, Luis Cervantes – elite and educated, joins Demetrio’s troop because of his support of the ideals he believed the revolutionaries espoused. Azuela, however, uses this character as his mouthpiece and, in his disillusionment that the revolutionaries were not fighting based on ideologies; the reader gets an understanding of Azuela’s perspective. He, like Cervantes, abandoned the struggle and migrated to the United States after having worked along with Pancho Villa as a military doctor believing his ideals to have been betrayed. One of the main lessons that Azuela delivers here is relevant in so many areas of life. His major argument in presenting his novel is that without purpose, focus, planning and proper management, even the most worthwhile efforts will prove to be futile. The most positive aspect of Azuela’s novel is that it was written while the struggles in the revolution were still going on. Beginning in 1914 the novel began to be published as a series in a Texas newspaper in installments though it was not until 1925 that it began to gain worldwide attention. This novel details the battles in the Mexican revolution from the perspective of the author who himself was a witness of these very events. Prior to moving to Texas, Azuela supported the revolutionary movement by offering his medical services to Pancho Villa’s army. In such a position he was exposed to the ills of the revolutionary battle, more so from the perspective of the revolutionaries. Azuela was therefore in a fitting position to discuss the Mexican revolution because he too had been very intimately involved in the process. However, while this novel bears relevance to the themes that were facing the Mexicans at the time when they were most involved in the revolution, it fails to give a complete picture of the revolutionary process. The problem with the novel is precisely because it was written so close to the actual events. This prevents the reader from having a total picture of the ‘before’, the ‘during’ and the ‘after’ of the revolution. In the same way that Demetrio’s eyes remain ‘leveled in an eternal glance’ at the end of the novel, so does the battle between the revolutionaries and the federalists give the impression that it will last eternally without resolution or victory for either side. The tone of Azuela’s novel therefore comes off as being very pessimistic. Failure and doom is the only outcome of the revolutionary struggle and no one seems to be winning. Azuela’s conclusion here seems to be rather generalized. Authors who have written about the revolution subsequent to Azuela have had the benefit of seeing the long-term results of the struggle which revealed much more positive effects than what were immediately obvious while the struggles were still going on. REFERENCES Azuela, Mariano (1963). The Underdogs (Enrique Munguà ­a Jr. Trans.). The U.S.A.: Penguin Group. (Original work published 1916).

Discussion document Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion document - Essay Example He believes in handling challenges head on and rolls up his sleeves to handle the same rather than delegating people to accomplish such tasks for him. He is the ideal leader because rather than him being a boss, he is a team player that has made him to earn respect among those that he works with and also those that he trains. Hal Bagley works mostly with his wife, Baadrea in the many training projects as both of them also head the LGT Executive Coaching. Both of them bring different skills to the table as she focuses on enhancing personal growth and interpersonal skills for clients, which is an essential part of the training program. Therefore, Hal credits most of his success to team effort as working alone can never be a key to achieving the major milestones that one seeks to achieve in the corporate world. Other than being involved in training the leadership of top performing companies and a number of non-profit leadership boards, the Bagleys also run a non profit organization that seeks to give stability to single parents together with their children. The organization is run by a group of about 200 volunteers headed by an executive director and board of directors, which is impacting the lives of hundreds in a significant way. Hal is not involved in improving the corporate world, but he also seeks to help those that that are the bottom of the ladder. So far Bagley’s results from the corporate trainings include influencing the streamlining of employees of an organization, which in turn has helped in simplifying audits by up to 5 times. Further, Hal helped with the integration of privately owned company with a Fortune 100 company, which led the 200 person, company increasing from $36M to $72 million in just two years. Additionally, this company through the guidance of Bagley was able to successfully implement HR systems, IT systems program management processes and AS9100 certification among a list of other

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Precalculus Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Precalculus - Assignment Example However, though the tortoise appears to move with less and less of span travelled, Achilles would have to work on filling in steps or strides to be able to catch up with it – something which tends to be impossible for each task he takes is simply part of an ‘infinite’ number of tasks he is yet to carry out and every time, the tortoise would have gone a bit farther. Thus, Zeno’s argument may be claimed to have been justified as correct in reasoning through such a scenario. In reference to their rates, if Achilles were to catch up with the tortoise at 10 times the animal’s rate at some time, t, then 10x*t = x*t + 1000. Solving this equation for distance ‘xt’, 9xt = 1000 and xt = 111 and 1/9 meters or that about 111.11 meters must have been taken by Achilles to overtake the tortoise. The figure likely expresses representation of a finite value to which the partial sums 100, 110, 111, etc.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Causes and effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Causes and effects - Essay Example sses, or sometimes also spirits and ancestral beings, who became involved in the material world of human beings in ways that were fickle and unpredictable. People attributed things that happened to these unseen beings, or to evil magic, and tried to influence events by making offerings and sacrifices, thinking that this would change the future (Iles-Jones, 2004, p. 454). There was little understanding of natural events like thunder, or volcanoes, or disease processes and so these things took on personal attributes. This vague linkage between natural and supernatural events means that we cannot speak of a true understanding of cause and effect in the ancient world. With the rise of monotheism, a single God was perceived to be the first cause of all that exists, and everything that is seen in the world began to be interpreted in terms of this initial cause, in tension with the lesser causes of human actions. Anything which was not immediately understood could be seen as an act of God. This all changed, however, in the period known as the Enlightenment in European history. For the first time theoretical ideas began to be linked with practical applications. It was Francis Bacon (1561-1626), a famous British lawyer and statesman, who first proposed a style of exploration which we now know as â€Å"the scientific method† (Gower, 1997, p. 45). He worked out that the best way to explain the world was to do controlled experiments and watch carefully what happened. By changing individual aspects of the experiment it was possible to work out what was causing different effects to happen. When the causes and effects were found to be consistent and repeatable, firm laws could be deduced, and events predicted, and this was an extremely significant advance for humankind. This line of thinking did not necessarily replace religious thinking, since a divine being could still be responsible for starting off these linked events, or for stepping in at any point, but it started off a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Design project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Design project - Assignment Example In order to design an effective mini air compressor, the pumping capacity must be considered in advance. The designed mini air compressor must also be cost effective, portable, lightweight, easy to operate, and safe for use. A mini air compressor is a small device that can be used easily and moved from one place to another with ease. According to the requirements of a mini air compressor, it should be lightweight. A mini air compressor is small in size and making it light weight enhances its portability too. The compressed air is also expected to be released at a higher speed. As a result, the air requires adequate compression so that it is released at the intended speed. The time required to use the mini air compression is also shorter because it is used in filling air gadgets that requires low quantities of air, for instance, a flat tyre, air mattresses, and beach balls among others (Jacobs 2010). One needs to understand the pressure that is required to be generated by the air compressor. One measures the pressure within one of the car tires using the air pressure gauge stored within the car’s glovebox. The value you acquire from the gauge is 29psi. Convert it to a more convenient unit for pressure measurements as follows: A mini air compressor does not require any specialized skills to use. When designing the gadget, simple and easy to understand technology must be used to ensure it is easy to operate. The designed product must also be safe to use because safety of users is a basic quality assurance requirements. A sizeable gadget is also advisable because it should be portable and its cost needs to be reasonable and affordable. Designing a small gadget will require slightly small amounts of funds to implement. This translates to reasonable costs of the material (Jacobs 2010). Designing a gadget like a mini air compressor applies high-tech knowledge. However,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Public Opinion and the Global Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Opinion and the Global Culture - Essay Example Another definition, by Angell (1991, in Beerkens, 2006), stresses the social dynamic: â€Å"The world economy has become so highly interdependent as to make national independence an anachronism, especially in financial markets. The interdependence is driven by science, technology and economics – the forces of modernity; and these forces, not governments, determined international relations. Thanks to this interdependence, war between nations is an impossibility.† Beck (2000, p. 86), on the other hand, emphasizes the political implications: â€Å"Globalization – however the word is understood – implied the weakening of state sovereignty and state structures.† Millberg (1998) focuses on the economic: â€Å"Globalization is dominated by transnational firms and financial institutions, operating independently of national boundaries or domestic economic situations.† And most perceptively, by Cerny (1999), on the state promoting globalization:  "However, this does not mean that, once the genie is out of the bottle, globalization is reversible.† Taking the layman’s common understanding of the term, the globalization process has been celebrated worldwide as the inevitable key to international economic progress. Less publicized are its negative repercussions, both economically and culturally, upon populations adversely affected by the movement of goods and capital from wealthy countries to those less wealthy, and movement of groups of people from the poorer, crowded nations to those rich importers of manpower and expertise. Landis (2008) notes that the large influx of people of divergent cultures and backgrounds cause crowding into urban centers, creating social tensions and sometimes open inter-ethnic conflict between host populations and the new entrants. Globalization disrupts local communities and livelihoods. Bathelt and Kappes (2008) examined the merged chemicals firm Aventis, from the German Hoechst and the French

Saturday, August 24, 2019

FINANCE FOR MANAGERS Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FINANCE FOR MANAGERS - Term Paper Example If the 30 year old is a moderate investor, who plans to live longer than the prescribed age of 79-82, they should adopt the new life asset allocation model. The model is based on the calculation that the person subtracts his age from 120.That is, (120-30) meaning that 90% should be allocated to stocks while 10% is allocated to bonds. Simko argues that, this allocation model is best suited for individuals who are health fanatics and plan to live well into their mid-eighties. Recent scientific reports indicate that people are living longer than in previous years. Additionally, stocks have been identified as outperforming money markets (bonds) over the long run. The stocks can be used to cater for the needs of the 30 year old into her retirement years (Simko, 2012). According to Ostbo, for an aggressive investor, the best model is the nothing to lose allocation model, which is based on the assumption that stocks outperform bonds in the long run. It is most suited for individuals who are rich and won’t rely on stocks for survival, or poor individuals who are willing to risk their savings to get high rewards. Additionally, the person should be young and willing and able to invest for a period of 20 years and more (Ostbo, 2013). Personally, I would adopt the new life asset allocation model because it caters for the needs of a person, who plans on living up to 85 years and is a moderate investor. I would therefore allocate 90% to equities and 10% to fixed income (bonds). However, I would not allocate any percentage to real estate due to the recent bursting of the housing market bubble in 2007 and neither would I allocate any percentage to gold and cash because of their volatile nature. I would lose the value of my initial investments by investing in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Imperessions and Analysis of the Exhibitions Visited Essay

Imperessions and Analysis of the Exhibitions Visited - Essay Example It is a comic book about a kid Andy who happened to have power every time he puffs a cigarette. He also discovered a costume that could instantly kill anything. Along with him is his sidekick Louie who is prone to bullying of which the â€Å"death ray† gun conveniently extinguishes the bully in the school. Although the art form itself was rendered in two dimensional and not as intricate with today’s three dimensional cartooning, David Clowes’s cartoons were revolutionary during his time because it served as the seminal art form of the later cartoons that followed. Without his art and his cartoons, we would not have our marvel comics and marvel movies To be honest, I was really surprised that the museum accommodated it in their exhibition because typically, museums just exhibit the really old art and Clowes cartoons and its plot are very contemporary. But still, it is a good move on the part of the museum because it drew younger spectators like me to be interested it in art. For example, after visiting the cartoon exhibition of Clowes, I also happen to see the early landscape painting of California. They were breathtakingly beautiful and sometimes so much to the point of photo realism that you would not immediately notice that they were rendered in oil. But beyond the beauty of the landscape painting, I also learned about the early history of California. Through the paintings, I discovered that the early history of California was about gold mining particularly during the â€Å"Gold Rush†. It made me curious and later I googled it at home to find more about this particular history of California. Without those paintings, I would not have been interested about California’s â€Å"Gold Rush† days. I was also interested in â€Å"The 1968 Exhibit†. Although I must admit that the presentation was initially boring, it turned out to be very interesting once we learned what transpired during that particular era. What seemed to be boring was in fact the â€Å"coolest† era in history because almost all of the â€Å"cool stuff† we enjoy today was revolutionized during that era ranging from rock and roll, hippie, feminism, labor rights to world peace. The exhibition was basically a narrative of events that led to the social upheaval that happened during the 1970s that shaped the cultural and political landscape of America that can still be felt today. These changes have major implications for our daily lives because the tumult that the exhibition was trying to communicate was the germinal ideas that lent impetus to social and cutural explosions that once were considered as non-mainstream. Social concerns such as feminism, gay rights, organic farming, community gardening movements, environmental justice and other identitarian social movements can be said to have originated in this period of social experiment which were morphed and absorbed by the mainstream society that survive in its margins until today. It is the period where once marginalized sectors of society woke up from their slumber and begun to assert themselves. Perhaps it is the environment of the 1960s that galvanized people to assert themselves which transformed the prevailing values and even reoriented and reshaped the history itself. It is also this period where previous domination of the monied elite in California was first resisted that perhaps led to the series of events that can be best characterized as contrarian and political radicalism. It may have been just a decade but

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Case Study for Canady vs Walmart Essay Example for Free

Case Study for Canady vs Walmart Essay 1. In your own words, what does pretext mean? Pretext is a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. 2. Write a paragraph that supports the argument that Canady’s dismissal was based on racial discrimination. Canady’s would say that his dismissal was based on racial discrimination because Smith a manager introduced himself as a slave driver. Next Smith, ask Canady â€Å"What’s up, my nigga?† and was also referred to as a â€Å"lawn jockey†. He also claimed that Smith made states that all African American look alike, and that his skin color wiped off on towels. Since Canady did not report these comments when Smith made them; Smith continued to use the phase from the Rush Hour movie. He could also believe that the day we was left in the department by himself that management was discriminating against him because he was left to do all the work with no help. 3. Write a paragraph that supports that argument that Wal-Mart’s decision was based on Canady’s insubordination. Wal-Mart’s decision was based on insubordination for one Canady was eating in an area where there are policies in place that prohibits easting in the food preparation area. When asked to stop eating in the prohibited area Canady started an argument with management. After the store manager was called to help with the situation Canady continued argue loudly in front of customers and other associates. Candy did not follow the policy that does not allow employees to eat in the food preparation area and he was arguing with management in front of other was insubordination. 4. Research the case. How did the court rule? Why did they rule in this manner? The wrongful termination claim, that claim fails to make out a prima facie case in that Canady failed to establish the fourth prong (i.e. that there are facts that permit an inference of discrimination). Alternatively, even if Canady made out a prima facie case, he failed to present sufficient evidence of pretext. The fact that Smith made racially offensive remarks is of no consequence because those remarks were made outside of the decision making process. The ruling on the hostile work environment claim, the Court found that Smith’s comments are not sufficiently offensive to the actionable. The Circuit Judge Lay dissents.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How Sound Is Used Expressively in M Essay Example for Free

How Sound Is Used Expressively in M Essay In the beginning of the movie everything appears normal but within minutes you are thrown into a frantic time in Germany. A serial killer of children is on the loose and a mother waits at home for her young daughter. When are then shown her growing anticipation for her daughter to get home but at the same time shown her daughter talking to a shadowy figure who buys her a balloon. Her mother screams her name over and over as the camera shows different scenes. This is expressive because the sound of her voice shows how worried she is and the interchanging scenes show she is nowhere to be found. Then the scene of her ball rolling into the brush and her balloon tangles in the electrical wires signifies her death. Without the mothers screams the scene would not have delivered the dramatics that it did. Another instance of sound being used expressively was the part in the movie where the minister and the chief of police are discussing finding Elsie’s killer. They show many scenes of the police doing various investigations including combing areas for clues, interrogating people, night raids and trying to pick up scents with a dog. This scene shows how intense there investigation is and the chief’s monologue gives you the added intensity of the situation. With the chief talking about how they plan to find the killer and the scenes of the police doing their investigation being shown, Lang manages to expressively show a wide scale investigation in a short time with aural and visual aspects. It’s something that could not be done with a silent movie. The essence of the movie is then truly captured with the parallel sequence shots depicting the criminal underworlds meeting and the police meeting. M is not only a story about a serial killer but, it shows the similarities at the time of the criminals and the police due to the lack of control in postwar Germany. This comparison is very expressively shown when Lang uses what they are saying to show how very similar they are. Everything from both the rooms being filled with cigarette smoke to dialogue that is seemingly mirrored from their separate meetings, is a great

History Of The Universal Music Group Media Essay

History Of The Universal Music Group Media Essay Universal Music Group is one of Big four companies in the music industry. UMG was founded in 1898, when the National Gramophone Company established the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft (Universal Music Group | Get In Media). The final name of the company, Universal, was introduced by Carl Laemmle in 1912, it was the year when the film studio came together with the music company. In 1924 the Music Corporation of America (MCA) was founded. The year 1958 was very important for Universal because MCA acquired the Universal Studios property and obtained Paramounts pre-1948 film library for its MCA TV division. The company was incorporated as MCA Inc. and it became a public company in 1959. Universal and MCA Inc. officially merged in 1962 after MCA acquired Decca Records. The main factor for Universal to get interested in concert locations and live entertainment promotions was because in 1972 Universal Amphitheatre had been opened. In 1999 the UM3 was launched, UM3 is a division of Universa l Music International that covers all areas of strategic catalog marketing outside North America. A significant fact for 2001 is that Universal formed exclusive distribution and worldwide licensing agreement with UMG. In 2002 the UMG achieved an industry milestone, and provided customers with more than 75000 download tracks. In 2003 UMG bought the rights on DreamWorks Records and collaborated with eBay to establish Universal Music Store. UMe Digital, an all-digital download label, was formed in 2004 through which UMG achieved a 43,07% market share for week-ending November 14th, the highest in Soundscan history. In 2008, 1 billion video streams have been delivered on YouTube by UMG. In the following year UMG created VEVO and the companies Sony and EMI joined VEVO. In 2011 UMG signed a global agreement for The Voice ofà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (History | Universal Music). The Universal Music Group is completely owned by the French media corporation Vivendi. In 2010, the UMG had 6967 employees. The turnover of UMG in 2010 cost $5584 million. Universal Music Group operates in 72 countries, including North American headquarters in Santa Monica and New York (Universal Music Group | Get In Media). UMG is involved in different types of media fields such as Film and Music. Every part has with his single productions a specified target group. The music column of UMG includes such a huge range of artists and genres that it is covering all types of target groups. Business customers of the UMG are distributors and companies from the same industry column. UMG sells its products and services in different ways. For instance, the company uses a network of subsidiaries, joint ventures and licensees (Universal Music Group, Inc.: Private Company Information Businessweek). UMG produces musical recordings which represent 70% of the income, and lyrics and musical scores which represent only 20% of the income. The companys products list also consists of the production of master recordings, the manufacture and packaging of CDs and the production of databases to distribute downloads of recordings. It is well-known that Universal Music Group works with different popular artists such as Lady Gaga, Gwen Stefani, Chamillionaire, and The Black Eyed Peas. Music: EMI EMI Music is one of the worlds leading music companies, home to some of the most successful and most popular recording artists. In 1887, Emile Berliner invented his Gramophone method of recording and reproducing sound using discs, a process that would modernize the way music was heard and experienced. The history of EMI starts at The Gramophone Company in London. Founded in 1897, the company took the lead in bringing together the new sound recording machines and musicians. In 1930, the Great Depression struck the recording industry. As a response, The Gramophone Company and the Columbia Graphophone Company agreed to a merger in 1931. The new firm was named Electric and Musical Industries (EMI). EMI also opened the worlds first custom-made recording studio at Abbey Road in London. Around 1950, EMI was the licensee for the major record companies RCA Victor and Columbia Records outside of North and south America. The license agreement between EMI and Columbia ended in 1952, EMI and RCA ended in 1957. EMI had to look for American artists by itself. In 1955 EMI bought Capitol Records, one of the largest US record companies. EMI increased its investment in UK while developing its list of American artists. In the 1960s British pop music exploded. With the success of The Beatles and other EMI artists, the company became the label of first choice for any ambitious British artist. The companys artist list was incredible during the 1960s and 1970s. In 1974, EMI renamed their publishing operation to EMI Music Publishing. The late 1980s and early 1990s were a changing period for EMI. By the start of the 1990s the new CD format accounted for the majority of albums sold by EMI. In 1989 SBK Entertainment World was acquired, making EMI Music Publishing the acknowledged world leader. In 1990, EMI fully owned Chrysalis Records. In 1992, EMI bought the Virgin Music Group, at the time the largest independent music company in the world. In 1997 EMI established the EMI Music Sound Foundation to help support future generations of musicians. EMIs first websites went online in 1993 and 1994, and in 1998 EMI stre amed the first album over the internet. The following year EMI was the first company to publish a digital album download and in 2001 EMI launched the first video clip over the internet. In 2007 EMI became the first major music company to make its music accessible without digital rights management software and at a much higher sound quality than before. In 2011 EMI Music launched OpenEMI to connect directly with the tech developer community around the world. Today EMIs music is available to purchase digitally through hundreds of services around the world. (History | EMI Music) (Press, 1998) The owners of EMI are Universal Music Group and Sony/ATV Music Publishing. EMI has 515 employees in 2012 and is a private sector. (Half of EMI Publishings staff could go if Sony/ATV deal goes through | CMU: Complete Music Update, 2012) EMI provides products such as music, music-recording, music-publishing and music-retailing. The first shop EMI opened was in 1921, called HMV shop on Oxford Street in London. Nowadays, EMI owns 330 HMV music stores and Dillons bookstores. The most significant non-music product was the revolutionary new Computed Tomographic X-ray scanning device in 1972. In the year 1997 the company had 60 labels in 46 countries, including mainstream labels. The company had 17699 employees. The sales in 1997 have been $5.58 billion. Print: Bertelsmann Bertelsmann is an international media corporation and is a private company. They provide information, entertainment and media services, publishing and music. Bertelsmann wants to make a contribution to society and to become the leaders in the media-market. They mostly focus on their creative content and their relationship with their customers. Bertelsmann operates in 63 countries. C. Bertelsmann Verlag was founded in 1835, in Gà ¼tersloh Germany by Carl Bertelsmann. It first started as a publishing house and print shop which mainly focused on Christian songs and books. Later on, Carls son Heinrich started to publish novels in 1851. Business was going good for Bertelsmann Verlag and they slowly expanded during the following years. During the second world war, Bertelsmann had become the biggest producer of Nazi propaganda. In that period, they had published books by Nazi authors, for example Will Vesper and Hans Grimm. At the end of the war, publishing was closed for a while because of illegal paper-trading. In 1947, Reinhard Mohn re-founded the company. During the 1950s, the company was expanded with the book-club: Bertelsmann Lesserring. In 1958, they entered the music business with the LP label: Ariola Records. In 1964, they came into the movie market with the purchase of Ulfa Filmproduktionsgesellschaft. In 1973 Bertelsmann got the majority ownership of Gruner und Jahr-publishing, which produced magazines and newspapers. In 1979 Bertelsmann started to expand internationally. In that year they bought the American label: Arista and in the following years they bought Bantam Books, RCA Victor, houseDoubleday and Windham Hill Records. In 1996 Bertelsmann took full control of Windham Hill Records. During this per iod of time, the activities in the music business were bundled into the label BMG. From 1995 to 2000 Bertelsmann had an Internet service provider and started working together with AOL that worked all over Europe. In 1995 the Ufa Film- und Fernseh-GmbH fused with CLT, Luxembourg. The result was RTL Group, the biggest private radio and TV broadcaster in Europe. In 1998 Thomas Middelhoff became CEO of Bertelsmann. He purchased the Random House publishing house and focused on the groups worldwide book publishing operations. In 1999, Bertelsmann introduced On October 1, 2008 Bertelsmann sold 50% of Sony BMG to Sony Corporation of America. Sony then renamed its fully owned music business to Sony Music Entertainment. These two withdrawals meant the end of the Bertelsmann Music Group department and the belongings that Bertelsmann wanted to keep from these sell-offs, will be the beginning of a upcoming BMG department, BMG Rights Management, which will concentrate on building, managi ng and marketing artist rights. (History Bertelsmann SE Co. KGaA) (Bertelsmann : definition of Bertelsmann and synonym of Bertelsmann (English)) On August 20, 2012, Bertelsmann changed its legal form from Bertelsmann AG to Bertelsmann SE Co. KGaA, a partnership limited by shares (KGaA). KGaA is a proven legal form for businesses owned by families or foundations that are widely used in Germany. Bertelsmann is for 77.4% owned by the Bertelsmann Foundation, a non-profit organization started by the Mohn family. The Mohn family holds the remaining 22.6% of the company. Bertelsmann has over 100.000 employees. Radio and Television: BBC The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster and is the largest broadcaster in the world with around 23.000 employees and an income of  £5.086 billion in 2012. In 1922, BBC Ltd. was created by John Reith who became the first General Manager. From the first daily transmission from 2LO, first regular news bulletin, first outside broadcast, first daily weather forecast to the first edition of the Radio Times published, BBC managed to keep its worldwide fame and to develop. The most important period for BBC is the digital decade due to the fact that they had the opportunity to expand the company and to attract more customers. The BBC is a public service broadcaster that functions under a Royal Charter, a Licence and Agreement from the Home Secretary. The company has a large variety of products and services which come up to costumers expectations. For example, the BBC provides several television channels in the UK including two main channels (BBC One and BBC Two), some secondary channels (BBC Three, BBC Four, BBC News, BBC Parliament) and two childrens channels (CBBC and CBeebies). Another valuable product offered by BBC is the Radio. Nowadays, the company holds ten national radio stations, six stations providing the BBC Regions and many others which cover the local regions in England. As a matter of fact five of the ten national stations are major labels and can be found on FM, DAB and online. They offer a large variety of musical genres such as new music and popular styles, country and soul music or classical and jazz music. The BBC Radio 5 Live is available 24 hours a day and provides people with news, sport and talk programs. BBC has the most important news channels in the entire world such as BBC News, BBC Parliament and BBC World News. BBC promotes the brand name of BBC Red Button which is an interactive digital television service. This service can be accessed from any BBC channel and it has different kinds of characteristics as full-color graphics, photographs and video. The company operates in many countries and regions. BBC has an US general entertainment channel which is co-owned with Discovery Networks, a Canadian general entertainment channel and a Canadian childrens programming channel which is co-owned with Shaw Media and a general entertainment channel available in Asia, Europe/Middle East, India, Latin America, Nordic, Poland and South Africa. The BBC Lifestyle channel can be seen in Poland, Scandinavia, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Africa and BBC Knowledge is available in Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Indonesia, New Zealand, Poland, Scandinavia, Singapore and South Africa. Apart from this, the BBC Company created several news channels in different languages such as Persian, Dari and Tajik. Naturally, some radio stations from BBC can be found in USA, Canada, Scotland and England. BBC operates worldwide and it has a great influence in the world of Radio and Television. BBC sells its products in the entire world through their own organization which is called BBC Worldwide. BBC provides products for both business customers and private customers. Many companies from different countries buy products from BBC. BBC Worldwide Consumer Products distributes the BBCs products through DVD, Blu-Ray and DTO. The private customers consists of children, teenagers and adults. New Media: Twitter Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions and news about what you find interesting. Twitter is a social network and in the internet industry. (About Twitter) Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone and launched on 15 July 2006. In March 2008, Twitter registered 1.3 million users. In September 2011, Twitter counted 200 million users, of which were 100 million active users who log in once a month, and 50 million active users who log in every day. In April 2010, The companys first advertising platform is introduced, also called Promoted Tweets. The first promoted Tweet was by Advertising Age. In June 2010, Promoted Trends is launched. In October 2010, Promoted Accounts went live, and is based on Suggestions for You. (Buck, 2011) The founders of Twitter are also the owners. Twitter counts 900+ employees in 2012. Twitter is a private company and operates worldwide. Twitter is available on computers, tablets, and on mobile devices. Twitter connects businesses to customers in real time-and businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influencers. (About Twitter) Film: 20th Century Fox It all started in 1915, FOX Film Corporation was formed by the theater chain developer William G Fox, as a combination of his two companies Greater New York Film Rental and Fox Office Attractions company. De Luxe formed the film and camera department for the studios. Thomas Dixon moved to Los Angeles to setup Dixon Studios, Laboratory and Press. In 1917 FOX sent a representative to Hollywood with the idea to start business at the West coast. The development started at the Dixon studios, which is situated in East Hollywood at Sunset and Western, it was Foxs base for the time between 1917 to 1924. In 1925, Fox bought the rights to the movie tone sound system, which became Fox Movie tone. With the luck and success of Jazz in 1927 William Fox hurried construction of state-of-the-art soundstages. In 1929 through the market crash Fox film, with more than 500 theaters, got into bankruptcy (Century City Chamber of Commerce | History of Century City). UtQP24ID5fwEoYfehkSPcsUcE46tnoWJe_nw7peFEcTaw3iOGBAhnBZsY In the year 1935, the companies Greater New York Film rental and FOX office attractions Co. merged with the 20th century pictures and established the company 20th century FOX (20th Century Fox | ÃÅ"ber Fox). The company is established on 31 May 1935. Since then, the 20th century Fox produced and conferred Films in North America. Noticeable is also the 20th Century Fox Logo which was created in 1935. The fact that the logo is created in the same year as the company established, shows that the company identifies itself with its history (Century City Chamber of Commerce | History of Century City). In February 1953, Fox bought the right of a new projection system called CinemaScope, the company announced that all Fox pictures would be made in this process. The project included also a new CinemaScope anamorphic lens which was added to the front of the projector at the same time wider screens had to be installed, that year shows that the company was always keen to invest and trust new technology (Home | 20th Century Fox Studios). In 1956 Mr Zanuck F. announced his resignation as head of production. In 1961 the management changed, Darryl F. Zanuck was appointed as chairman and his son Richard Zanuck took on the role of president. At that time a series of cheap but popular movies were made, they brought Fox back to the position being a major player. The year 1965 was surprising for 20th century Fox. The Sound of Music, which increased the studios fortunes, rescued the company and became an all-time greatest box-office hit. In 1971 Mr Zanuck left the position as a chairman and a few bad years followed resulting in some losses. The new president in 1972 was Dennis Stanfill, he came together with Alan Ladd Jr. and they got Fox back on track. The year 1977 was the year of Star Wars, one of the most popular movies of Fox. In 1978 the control of the company passed to investors Marc Rich and Marvin Davis. The company grew and expended very fast, in the 1980s Mr Rupert Murdoch integrated the company to the News Corpora tion which gave the company a huge financial support and opened new doors worldwide. The company started to concentrate on three main points; the home entertainment, cinema, and the TV industry. These three points together are the FOX Film Entertainment Group. Since 2006 the company is the worldwide video distributor for the MGM/UA library. 20th Century Pictures is an independent Hollywood film production company established by Joseph Schenck in the year 1933. The company is still based in Los Angeles and has these days two other bigger main branches, Sydney Australia and Baja Mexico (Century City Chamber of Commerce | History of Century City). 20th century FOX is one of the big 6 Film production companies on our planet, the company it has establishments in more than 80 countries. Since 1985 the company is a subsidiaries of the News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch is the head and owner of 20th Century Fox. The produced Films, TV-shows and Music are making the company distinctive. To give a quick survey of how much 20th Century Fox has only gained by North American box offices the following application is added. (Statistics on 20th century fox | Statista) Chapter 2: Macro Environment Chapter 3: New Product/Service Chapter 4: Company Visits FARC chose Spotify as a new product, which is described in chapter 3. FARC chose two companies to visit, which are called KPN and Hi!, because Hi! is a part of KPN and they are both involved with Spotify in the same way. KPN is the top telecommunications and IT service provider in The Netherlands, offering wire line and wireless telephony, internet and TV to customers. KPN operates in the ICT and Telecom sector. The history of KPN starts in 1852, when the government constructed telegraph lines which it intended to operate itself. The first independent company was established in 1893: the Post and Telegraph Administration (PT). In 1915, the Post and Telegraph Administration became a state-owned company. This meant that the government and parliament could have greater insight into the financial situation of what was still popularly called PT. The first world war caused cutback measures for PT and in response the government changed the name to The Netherlands Postal and Telecommunications Services (PTT). At the beginning of 1941, the German occupying forced granted the PTT co rporate rights, but in practice there was no question of freedom. Because of the war, the PTT came to a standstill. There wasnt enough personnel available to keep the service running. In 1955, the PTT became a state-controlled company again. On 1 January 1989, PTT became Koninklijke PTT Nederland (KPN). With the emergence of Internet and e-mail in 1998, the PTT Post and PTT Telecom started to drift apart and split up in the same year. PTT Telecom became KPN. KPN won the International GTB (Global Telecoms Business) Innovation Award in September 2007 for the innovative strength of its new fiber-optic network. Nowadays, everything is oriented to improving quality, service and technique, so as to become the best service provider and to strengthen the companys market position in the Netherlands. (History KPN) KPN counted 31.084 employees in the Netherlands in December 2011. KPN is a big company because it operates internationally with different brands (Kernfeiten KPN). Under Section 6, Part 4 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the procedures for large companies are obligatory for KPN. As such, KPN has a two-tier management structure with a Board of Management and a Supervisory Board. KPN was privatized in 1989. (Juridische structuur KPN) KPN offers an All-in-one Standard bundle, which provides fast internet, telephone and television, and free Spotify Premium. KPN also has a telephone subscription service where they offer Spotify Premium with 500MB for à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬10,00 extra a month, and the first three months are free. KPN produces the products and services: landline, mobile telephony, internet, and digital television. Spotify is an additional service to the existing supplies mobile telephony and the internet. It is not yet known how long the Spotify deal will be provided or if the Spotify deal will be offered in the future. Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusions

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Music Copyright Infringement Essay -- Napster Laws Essays

Music Copyright Infringement MP3 is an audio format that allows users to compress and send music files easily over the Internet. The major problem with this music sharing is that most of the files are pirated, which has caused a stir in the music industry. Music companies and music artists have been complaining about how their music is being stolen and therefore lowering their album sales. The major blame has been put on Napster and other file sharing software available on the Internet. Napster was a music sharing software that was shut down because of copying and distributing unauthorized MP3 files that violated the United States and foreign copyright laws. One of the major reasons why Napster was shutdown is because of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for the band Metallica. Lars Ulrich complained about Napster and how his music was being shared illegally on the Internet. To stop this Lars filed a complaint against Napster and then personally presented Napster with the names of thousands of Napster users who have allegedly been trading the band’s songs online without permission. This created a major problem for Napster as this was brought up to the United States Supreme Court. Napster argued in court that music is for sharing and all that Napster does is give people the opportunity to talk about what music they like what music they want to trade. The RIAA argued that sharing files over the Internet is illegal because the files are stolen and not copyrigh ted. Evidently Napster lost the court battle and therefore was forced to shutdown causing millions of users to find another way to share music files over the Internet. Shutting down of Napster caused a major race for who would be the next major softwa... ...iles. In the end music industries fear that people will inevitably stop buying CD’s causing the industry to be out of business. It is trying to do all that it can to keep the music industry going strong by going to courts and filing lawsuits against piracy. But as technology improves and more and more people are learning how to download and burn their own CD’s, this fight against piracy will almost be impossible. The decrease in sale has been very noticeable and it will only continue to fall. It seems like the only way to stop illegal file sharing is to shut down the internet. But the chances of that happening are not good therefore the music industry has their work cut out for them. Click Here For Some Links:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Physician-Assisted Suicide :: Euthanasia Death Suicide Essays

Introduction The history of physician-assisted suicide began to emerge since the ancient time. Historians and ancient philosophers especially had been debating over this issue. Thus, this issue is no longer new to us. However, it seems little vague because it has not yet been fully told. The historical story consists of patterns of thought, advocacy, and interpretation on whether to legalize assisted death. "Only until June, 1999, the United States Supreme Court issued decisions in two cases that claimed constitutional protection for physician-assisted suicide, Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacoo v. Quill, by a single 9-0 vote covering the case (Bartin, Rhodes, Silver, 1). They also say that this decision mark the beginning of long period debate, which will not be fully resolved (1). Hence, the debate began by professionals from different aspects, especially the physicians themselves. "I will never give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect". A frequent quoted portion of the Hippocratic Oath, written in Greece sometimes during the fifth to forth centuries B.C.E, represented an effort by an apparently small group of physicians to build public respectability by distancing themselves from other physicians who commit assisted suicide. It has had considerable influence in the history of Western medical society and now, once again, physician-assisted suicide has become a major ethical issue in medicine, as well as an issue that involves law and public interests. Of the various issues at the medicine issue, perhaps none has drawn as much attention as assisted suicide. This topic is being discussed with great frequency in newspaper, journals and books about whether it is really necessary and ethical to physicians to participate in this life-ending act. Proponents or advocates of physician-assisted suicide argue that each per son has freedom over their own life. Persons whose quality of life is nonexistent and who are having a terminal illness should have the right to decide to seek assistance. In contrast, opponents say that physician-assisted suicide is not an acceptable practice for the physicians legally as well as morally. This issue has become a central concern to the medical profession, legislators, philosophers, social psychologists, as well as the public. Interests in this controversial matter continue to grow increasingly whether it should be legalized. Perhaps everyone would have one's own thought and opinion. Nevertheless, assisted death is never a proper expression of compassion. It shows no care for the patients.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Evolution of John Steinbeck Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

The Evolution of Steinbeck In "The Grapes of Wrath", Steinbeck takes a great leap forward in his storytelling. His characters are better developed and more human. Steinbeck's development as a writer was linked to his growth as a person and his furthered capacity for understanding in others, particularly the disenfranchised. The process and struggle that ensued during the early years of his career were instrumental in his growth and are demonstrated in the development of his views on industrialization and it's effects on the working class. His greater understanding seemed to lead to an end to his theological approach to writing, or at least a modification of it. For with greater understanding came empathy, and with empathy came subjectivity. With the distance gone between he and his characters, it became possible to identify with the characters on a deeper level. They were more true to life than the characters of his previous novels. When Steinbeck managed to cross this line, he made a leap from the realm of the good writers into the Valhalla of great authors. This is when Steinbeck into people. Few of the masses were not familiar with the likes of a Tom Joad or Mack. (A Joseph was much harder to come by.) In his earlier books, works like "To a God Unknown" and "In dubious Battle", Steinbeck delved into the man driven by ideology. Anything but "down-to earth", the characters in these books were motivated by what could be. As creatures of speculation, they were driven by the mind's eye. While Joseph lived for the earth, he never managed to be of it, (at least in the manner of your everyday farmer.) Like any man who have walked through the halls of formal education, Steinbeck himself was a man of... ..."employable." Dr. Kelly posed the question, " what if World War II had not interposed and brought the U.S. out of the Great Depression?" At what point are the evils of the marketplace checked? Time will tell. Without a common enemy, where is the unifying cause to organize? What will bring the people together? Once people are driven by hunger it seems to be to late. Hunger is desperate and powerless, without reason or strength. Humanity has conquered the world. Can we conquer out greed and fear? Steinbeck was unsure that our species could overcome our seemed hatred of ourselves. Maybe the fear of terrorism can bring the world together. In the meantime, people continue to struggle. Maybe things will finally change and we can all gain the empathy and understanding that were Steinbeck's. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to come only through great struggle. The Evolution of John Steinbeck Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays The Evolution of Steinbeck In "The Grapes of Wrath", Steinbeck takes a great leap forward in his storytelling. His characters are better developed and more human. Steinbeck's development as a writer was linked to his growth as a person and his furthered capacity for understanding in others, particularly the disenfranchised. The process and struggle that ensued during the early years of his career were instrumental in his growth and are demonstrated in the development of his views on industrialization and it's effects on the working class. His greater understanding seemed to lead to an end to his theological approach to writing, or at least a modification of it. For with greater understanding came empathy, and with empathy came subjectivity. With the distance gone between he and his characters, it became possible to identify with the characters on a deeper level. They were more true to life than the characters of his previous novels. When Steinbeck managed to cross this line, he made a leap from the realm of the good writers into the Valhalla of great authors. This is when Steinbeck into people. Few of the masses were not familiar with the likes of a Tom Joad or Mack. (A Joseph was much harder to come by.) In his earlier books, works like "To a God Unknown" and "In dubious Battle", Steinbeck delved into the man driven by ideology. Anything but "down-to earth", the characters in these books were motivated by what could be. As creatures of speculation, they were driven by the mind's eye. While Joseph lived for the earth, he never managed to be of it, (at least in the manner of your everyday farmer.) Like any man who have walked through the halls of formal education, Steinbeck himself was a man of... ..."employable." Dr. Kelly posed the question, " what if World War II had not interposed and brought the U.S. out of the Great Depression?" At what point are the evils of the marketplace checked? Time will tell. Without a common enemy, where is the unifying cause to organize? What will bring the people together? Once people are driven by hunger it seems to be to late. Hunger is desperate and powerless, without reason or strength. Humanity has conquered the world. Can we conquer out greed and fear? Steinbeck was unsure that our species could overcome our seemed hatred of ourselves. Maybe the fear of terrorism can bring the world together. In the meantime, people continue to struggle. Maybe things will finally change and we can all gain the empathy and understanding that were Steinbeck's. Unfortunately, those qualities seem to come only through great struggle.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Financial Market Development

In many of the developing countries it has been hitherto believed that the financial market reform has to be gyrating around the commercial banking system. It is true that the commercial banking sector’s contribution to growth in economy in these developing countries such as Chile and Mexico has over time grown inextricably connected to the development and growth of the other related capital market areas such as equity, government debts and the corporate securities.Therefore, reform in the capital market has hitherto emphasized the use of strategies with the potential of not only strengthening but also deepening the capital markets i.e. both the debt and equity markets. This paper seeks to highlight the general issues in the development in the capital markets such as GDP, interest rate spreads not only in the global context but also in the developing countries thereby showing how the global trends have affected developing countries and these countries’ policy response s o as attract, emulate and manage reform and development in domestic capital markets. The paper finally highlights the comparative trends in domestic capital market with specific focus to country experience: Chile and Mexico in regards to their participation in international capital market.Development of a country is measured by the GDP. However there are other factors which the UN has identified as measure for development such as life expectancy, rate of literacy etc. The UN has on the other developed a compound indicator called HDI which is a combination of the above named measures and is used to measure level of development. The global economy generally impacts on the economy, especially on the capital market of the developing countries. This means that governments cannot borrow because the states that lend are also engrossed in economic woes of recession. Further, if the lending states manage to lend, the interest rates are higher than recommended thus pushing thus tradi0ng a big blow to the development of the developing countries (BoÃ… ¼yk, 2006).In countering the global; economic trend especially that of recession, the developing countries have resolved to internal borrowing through the use of corporate securities and bonds in the state owned corporations so as to raise the money required to run these governments and initiate industrialization and other forms of development. Secondly, the governments in the developing countries have resolved to IPOs thus relinquishing their right in state owned organizations to the public to raise the much required funds. The practice in developing countries implies that financial integration facilitates growth of capital markets but it may negatively affect the volatility of share prices and efficiency of stock market especially when the capital market reforms are not suitable (Sheffrin, 2003).The main questions that remain are how the developing countries can develop without depending on the already developed countries for assistance, can GDP alone be used to measure development in the developing countries? How can the developing countries manage to insulate their economies from being affected and greatly influenced by the global economic trends such as recession through their capital markets without necessarily adversely affecting the volatility of the stock market and share prices?Actually, the countries that qualify to categorize as developing can invest heavily in the capital market thereby using the funds raised from these investments in industrialization and other forms of sustaining developments. For instance, the countries such as Chile and Mexico have invested in the capital market top help catapult the development needed .but it has proven such a step if not carefully managed may lead to the total crashing of the capital; markets. The two countries are simply a tale of capital market crises.The 1994 Mexican peso crisis demonstrates a typical capital market crisis which sent shock waves t hrough the global economy. In the 1980s, Chile suffered a similar crisis as Mexico because of the 1970s structural reforms characterized by a radical opportunity in the economy; rampant privatization, and deregu- lation effort in a bid to realize a modern financial sector. Â  In a bid to save themselves from the capital market crises, the countries’ use of predetermined exchange rates aimed to get rid of inflation collaborated with the resultant huge capital inflows intermediated by a fragile banking system to bring forth an exchange- rate overvaluation, a susceptible financial sector and the eventual crumpling of the currency

Friday, August 16, 2019

Display Task

Assessment Task for TDA 2. 13 Provide Displays in School Submission for LO1 – 15 May other dates to be determined by assessor visits You will have been asked to do a display in school. Before you do this (Or retrospectively) produce a work product that describes the following: LO1 . 1 In what ways did you use the school policy for displays? If there is no policy what guidance from the teacher did you follow? LO 1. 2 Using your knowledge of school practices describe the importance And purposes of displays.If you refer to the taught session notes please make sure you link them with your practice using examples. LO 1. 3 Give examples to describe how the display you are planning and others in the school are used in the learning process. LO 1. 4 Describe the risk assessment procedures you would need to follow, if you identify any risks what will you do about them? Other methods LO 2. 1 You will need to produce a plan of the design and content of the display you will be creating.You MUST agree the purpose with the relevant member of school staff. They should sign this for you and you can show this to your assessor. Please ensure in the plan you have covered elements of the LO’s in LO1 and how you will be involving the pupils. Remember the more detailed the plan the more LO’s can be professionally discussed with your assessor when she/he visits the school so look at the unit as a whole. A professional discussion with your assessor can take place to discuss your plan and how you involved the pupils.In addition you should make notes on how you will evidence LO4. If as suggested you are keeping a diary you can refer back to that for notes on when you maintained and revamped your display. This will help you identify the optimum duration of a display. All this does not have to be limited to your display, you may wish to develop your practice in maintain other displays in school, ( With the teachers permission of course)

NFL Concussions

On the other hand, the nature football is very aggressive ND hazardous. There are many fans think there should be little to no regulations or changes because football is meant to be an aggressive sport. Football is considered to be a holy sport for most people in America. Thousands of fans watch each game and revolve their schedule around the NFG. The NFG has started trying to prevent concussions; in 2010 the NFG made a new rule that a player cannot tackle another player in head to head contact. As the fans and players started rioting against this rule, it helped in preventing concussions.There are often many injuries involved in the sport of oddball, but most injuries consist of concussions and other head traumas. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that shakes the brain inside the skull. Although there may be cuts or bruises on the head or face, there may be no other visible signs of a brain injury . The NFG needs to start implementing strict rules and harder punishments for people who play dirty or try to hurt others. Many players have been hit so hard to the extent that the injuries end their careers.Players often have long term effects from most injuries involved n football. These players being injured with a concussion is a serious matter because there is no physical signs of the injury. Although it is obvious that the NFG needs to protect its players better, many people still believe otherwise. Those people believe that football is football, it is meant for being aggressive and hitting hard. They also say that players are being penalized for something that happened accidental. Although this may be true sometimes, without the rules players can take advantage and play dirty. (WV.NFG. Com) The NFG data shows an average of one reported concussion every other game. About 120 to 130 concussions occur per regular season. Every year that NFG rules get stricter, the number of conc ussions decreases. These rules need to become more strict because concussions are a serious thing to have and most people usually don't know when they one. A reporter from USA Today explains how coaches should approach this matter. He said, â€Å"Signs and symptoms of concussions may be delayed, and therefore it may be prudent to remove an athlete from play, but when in doubt, take a timeout† (Bell).NFG isn't really doing much in dealing with the concussions. In the past year more than 160 players went down with a head injury. In response, the NFG fines players for their bad judgment on the field, which means nothing to them. Steve Inspire reported a New England defensive back stating, â€Å"Fines never mattered to me, being suspend for hitting a player helmet to helmet caught my attention. Because fines don't matter to a millionaire. † Also, people might say these rules about players not being able to tackle the way they want will cause them to not play as well and so ften them up.Sports reporter Tom Goldman said â€Å"its football, big hits are and always will be a part of the sport. † (Goldman). However, as professionals they should know how to change their name and adapt to the newer and safer rules of the NFG. They are allowed to hit as hard as they want but it's where they are hitting that is the problem. In the NFG if a defensive player hits a quarter back helmet to helmet he is penalized. Also, if a defensive player hits a quarter back after the play he is penalized. NFG has to try harder in protecting their players.In the past there where barely any rules, players didn't even wear metal helmets. They wore leather Ones which didn't protect them at all. Players in the past were twice more likely to get a concussion then players are now. The NFG rules on incursions are now stricter, but the amount of concussions this year is still too high. In the future, players should wear better helmets and have more gear on. There should be a medi cal staff on the sidelines in case of emergencies. Also, they should have operating rooms if injuries are too severe.After a big hit the player shouldn't come back to game unless a doctor agrees. Reporter says â€Å"If a certified athletic trainer were to see the hit again slow motion from a replay, he might say wait a minute we need to check him out. (McCann) Reporter Garret Bell explains â€Å"Quarterback Colt McCoy was allowed to continue playing after suffering a concussion, Macy's hand was checked out, but was never tested for a concussion because the medical staff didn't see the replay and missed the head get hit. † After all the rules NFG has changed this year it still didn't fix the problem.This year three major quarterbacks where injured from concussions which is an example of how the NFG still hasn't done enough to protect its players. Jay Cutler from the Chicago Bears, Alex Smith from the San Francisco errs, and Michael Vicki from the Philadelphia Eagles has been injured this year with concussions. Jay Cutler and the Bears didn't make it to the playoffs because of his injury. They started their season 7-1 , and when Jay Cutler got injured they finished the season 9-6. Michael Vicki missed the football season. Alex Smith lost his starting possession after he was injured.All these players and their teams were affected because one person wasn't careful enough to control himself. NFG hasn't done enough as shown by each of those Quarterbacks. Because the NFG has started to make a lot Of changes towards injuries this year retired football players feel that they should have gotten this treatment when they were playing. That's why many football veterans are suing the NFG today. A reporter from USA TODAY says ‘The NFG is a target of federal lawsuits by more than 3,700 former players who allege that for decades the league failed to protect from concussions and their long-term effects.Today Boston will release a report that includes the cases of 33 former NFG players diagnosed after their deaths with brain damage linked to repeated concussions. † (Misses) Another reporter states â€Å"There is a disease called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy which is often associated with concussions. Studies show that this can be incipient in people as young as 18. (Bell) Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a degenerative brain disease that results in behaviors similar to Alchemist's disease. However, according to researchers, it has a clear environmental cause of repeated brain trauma rather than a genetic cause.This disease is most often known from ex-boxers, so it as if players are being punched in the head. Though this disease doesn't show up right away it often shows up later in their life. So players are not only being affected during their time playing football, but even after 20, 30, or even 40 years after they retire. â€Å"With all the steps the NFG has to improve layer safety, against all the backdrops of the hundreds o f ex- players suing the NFG for not revealing more knowledge about head injuries† said reporter Garret Bell.There are hundreds of parents that don't allow their children to play football from how easily things can wrong, even after knowing youth football players do drills aimed at reducing their risks of concussions. Football is a beautiful sport and a great exercise. If the NFG doesn't start making changes soon to improve their players' safety it may be stopped as a professional sport in America, especially if players keep receiving concussions ND diseases from the sport. Players, teams, and cities have been affected by these concussions.The NFG ended up realizing this problem 3 years ago in 201 0 and still hasn't fixed it. It is reported â€Å"In 201 0 through 6 weeks of the season it was reported that 35 players have been on injury lists, unable to play because of head injuries. (Goldman) If everyone were to watch football they would see what players go through every game. Players that are hurt the most are the ones that don't see it coming. They are most often hit on their blind side. Many people know the NFG-L needs to change, but very few people are trying to change it.Journalist Gary Misses explains, â€Å"The NFG is stressing a change in culture when it comes to a head injury. † (USA TODAY) In the NFG, football players should learn drills on how to tackle properly to reduce concussions. They should also, be put in simulations and scrimmages to learn how to avoid this harmful injury. Furthermore, players should be tested before football season to see how fragile their bodies are. That way teams can determine the amount of padding a player needs. All in all, it is obvious that the NFG needs to change its rules and regulations for the sake of the players and for the sake of the game. NFL Concussions On the other hand, the nature football is very aggressive ND hazardous. There are many fans think there should be little to no regulations or changes because football is meant to be an aggressive sport. Football is considered to be a holy sport for most people in America. Thousands of fans watch each game and revolve their schedule around the NFG. The NFG has started trying to prevent concussions; in 2010 the NFG made a new rule that a player cannot tackle another player in head to head contact. As the fans and players started rioting against this rule, it helped in preventing concussions.There are often many injuries involved in the sport of oddball, but most injuries consist of concussions and other head traumas. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that shakes the brain inside the skull. Although there may be cuts or bruises on the head or face, there may be no other visible signs of a brain injury . The NFG needs to start implementing strict rules and harder punishments for people who play dirty or try to hurt others. Many players have been hit so hard to the extent that the injuries end their careers.Players often have long term effects from most injuries involved n football. These players being injured with a concussion is a serious matter because there is no physical signs of the injury. Although it is obvious that the NFG needs to protect its players better, many people still believe otherwise. Those people believe that football is football, it is meant for being aggressive and hitting hard. They also say that players are being penalized for something that happened accidental. Although this may be true sometimes, without the rules players can take advantage and play dirty. (WV.NFG. Com) The NFG data shows an average of one reported concussion every other game. About 120 to 130 concussions occur per regular season. Every year that NFG rules get stricter, the number of conc ussions decreases. These rules need to become more strict because concussions are a serious thing to have and most people usually don't know when they one. A reporter from USA Today explains how coaches should approach this matter. He said, â€Å"Signs and symptoms of concussions may be delayed, and therefore it may be prudent to remove an athlete from play, but when in doubt, take a timeout† (Bell).NFG isn't really doing much in dealing with the concussions. In the past year more than 160 players went down with a head injury. In response, the NFG fines players for their bad judgment on the field, which means nothing to them. Steve Inspire reported a New England defensive back stating, â€Å"Fines never mattered to me, being suspend for hitting a player helmet to helmet caught my attention. Because fines don't matter to a millionaire. † Also, people might say these rules about players not being able to tackle the way they want will cause them to not play as well and so ften them up.Sports reporter Tom Goldman said â€Å"its football, big hits are and always will be a part of the sport. † (Goldman). However, as professionals they should know how to change their name and adapt to the newer and safer rules of the NFG. They are allowed to hit as hard as they want but it's where they are hitting that is the problem. In the NFG if a defensive player hits a quarter back helmet to helmet he is penalized. Also, if a defensive player hits a quarter back after the play he is penalized. NFG has to try harder in protecting their players.In the past there where barely any rules, players didn't even wear metal helmets. They wore leather Ones which didn't protect them at all. Players in the past were twice more likely to get a concussion then players are now. The NFG rules on incursions are now stricter, but the amount of concussions this year is still too high. In the future, players should wear better helmets and have more gear on. There should be a medi cal staff on the sidelines in case of emergencies. Also, they should have operating rooms if injuries are too severe.After a big hit the player shouldn't come back to game unless a doctor agrees. Reporter says â€Å"If a certified athletic trainer were to see the hit again slow motion from a replay, he might say wait a minute we need to check him out. (McCann) Reporter Garret Bell explains â€Å"Quarterback Colt McCoy was allowed to continue playing after suffering a concussion, Macy's hand was checked out, but was never tested for a concussion because the medical staff didn't see the replay and missed the head get hit. † After all the rules NFG has changed this year it still didn't fix the problem.This year three major quarterbacks where injured from concussions which is an example of how the NFG still hasn't done enough to protect its players. Jay Cutler from the Chicago Bears, Alex Smith from the San Francisco errs, and Michael Vicki from the Philadelphia Eagles has been injured this year with concussions. Jay Cutler and the Bears didn't make it to the playoffs because of his injury. They started their season 7-1 , and when Jay Cutler got injured they finished the season 9-6. Michael Vicki missed the football season. Alex Smith lost his starting possession after he was injured.All these players and their teams were affected because one person wasn't careful enough to control himself. NFG hasn't done enough as shown by each of those Quarterbacks. Because the NFG has started to make a lot Of changes towards injuries this year retired football players feel that they should have gotten this treatment when they were playing. That's why many football veterans are suing the NFG today. A reporter from USA TODAY says ‘The NFG is a target of federal lawsuits by more than 3,700 former players who allege that for decades the league failed to protect from concussions and their long-term effects.Today Boston will release a report that includes the cases of 33 former NFG players diagnosed after their deaths with brain damage linked to repeated concussions. † (Misses) Another reporter states â€Å"There is a disease called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy which is often associated with concussions. Studies show that this can be incipient in people as young as 18. (Bell) Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a degenerative brain disease that results in behaviors similar to Alchemist's disease. However, according to researchers, it has a clear environmental cause of repeated brain trauma rather than a genetic cause.This disease is most often known from ex-boxers, so it as if players are being punched in the head. Though this disease doesn't show up right away it often shows up later in their life. So players are not only being affected during their time playing football, but even after 20, 30, or even 40 years after they retire. â€Å"With all the steps the NFG has to improve layer safety, against all the backdrops of the hundreds o f ex- players suing the NFG for not revealing more knowledge about head injuries† said reporter Garret Bell.There are hundreds of parents that don't allow their children to play football from how easily things can wrong, even after knowing youth football players do drills aimed at reducing their risks of concussions. Football is a beautiful sport and a great exercise. If the NFG doesn't start making changes soon to improve their players' safety it may be stopped as a professional sport in America, especially if players keep receiving concussions ND diseases from the sport. Players, teams, and cities have been affected by these concussions.The NFG ended up realizing this problem 3 years ago in 201 0 and still hasn't fixed it. It is reported â€Å"In 201 0 through 6 weeks of the season it was reported that 35 players have been on injury lists, unable to play because of head injuries. (Goldman) If everyone were to watch football they would see what players go through every game. Players that are hurt the most are the ones that don't see it coming. They are most often hit on their blind side. Many people know the NFG-L needs to change, but very few people are trying to change it.Journalist Gary Misses explains, â€Å"The NFG is stressing a change in culture when it comes to a head injury. † (USA TODAY) In the NFG, football players should learn drills on how to tackle properly to reduce concussions. They should also, be put in simulations and scrimmages to learn how to avoid this harmful injury. Furthermore, players should be tested before football season to see how fragile their bodies are. That way teams can determine the amount of padding a player needs. All in all, it is obvious that the NFG needs to change its rules and regulations for the sake of the players and for the sake of the game.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Alternative to GDP

Topic: â€Å"There is rising criticism of the widespread use of GDP as an indicator of the health of an economy. In fact, some experts are of the opinion that GDP growth is making the society poorer. Critically analyse this opinion in view of the concept of sustainability and also discuss some alternate measures being suggested and their implications to the businesses? † GDP as an economic measure of the economic progress of a country Gross domestic product (GDP) is considered one of the most important factors that determine the economic activity and hence the progress of the development of a country. It is the monetary value of all the final goods and services produced by a country in a specified time. Therefore, it is considered that if the country’s economic production increases, other factors remaining positive, then it positively benefits all the citizens of the country. It is hence used as an indicator for the country’s standard of living[1]. Therefore, greater the GDP, better the health of an economy and hence better the lives of the citizens. Reasons for criticism on the use of GDP as an indicator of economic progress As GDP measures the monetary value of the final goods and services produced, it means that the money spent on the country’s well-being for example, millions spent on manufacturing fancy electronic gadgets, constructing a prison, cutting forests to use wood for production of further goods – are all considered at par while measuring the GDP. There is no emphasis on the quality of the output, the progress of the country in terms of the social state of affairs, human happiness, etc. As these are essential ingredients in determining the health of an economy, the concept of using GDP as a measuring scale of the economic progress of a country if criticised. Disadvantages of GDP GDP is criticised on many aspects – it obscures growing inequality, aids depletion of resources and one of the most prominent criticisms is that it measures expenditure on education at par with expenditure on cigarettes i. e. it does not differentiate whether the spending that aids the GDP percentage is going towards a positive or negative cause. GDP does not measures the economic services that nature provides – for example, prevention of floods and landslides by existence of dense forests – it does not account for health, clean environment, etc. i. e. GDP falls short in taking into account equally important things that exist to make a country liveable by fostering social cohesion, along with just the monetary value of goods and services * GDP takes into account the gove rnment spending, but from where the funding is sourced and where it is utilized is not taken into account. Hence, government borrowing is considered good for a country as far as GDP calculation is concerned * Money transactions that take place unofficially and go unrecorded are not accounted for in the calculation of GDP. Hence it does not help in avoiding taxes or prevention of illegal transactions and spending of such huge amount goes unnoticed * Harmful side effects like, pollution is not accounted for in the GDP. No deductions are made from GDP for their harmful effects but addition to GDP is made by market transactions that aid in removing these harmful effects. Hence the calculation of GDP is not balanced * The GDP takes into account the goods and services produced but not exchanged for money. For example, volunteer work or growing own food and consuming it is not included in the GDP whereas expenditure on buying food from the market is taken into account [2]. Adverse effects of using GDP as a sole measure for economic success As GDP takes into account only some value created in the country and does not take into account several key transactions, GDP often increases at the expense of real growth and progress. The result is that GDP fails miserably as an indicator of economic success on the sustainability scale. The environmental and social aspects are not covered by the GDP. Alternative measures & their business implications There are several alternative indicators of the progress of a country. These measure economic activity, environmental or social activities, well-being or changes in environmental, social or human capital. * Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI): It provides a complete picture of economical and social progress. There are several indicators used to calculate GPI that are broadly classified under three categories – economic, environmental and social. The economic category indicators are similar to gross product measurement. The environment factors measure cost of pollution, cost of change to natural resources, cost of climate change, etc. The social indicator includes the value of education, lost leisure time, cost of crime, etc. This indicator has been adopted by the state of Maryland and is altered to include the impact of income inequality on the economy of the state. This indicator indicated the need to focus on reducing the level of income inequality in order to improve Maryland’s overall economic and social growth. Hence, this indicator has been successfully implemented that includes all the factors of well-being in a society. This leads to modified business practices in order to reduce inequality and improve economic, environmental and social spheres of the state * Human Development Index (HDI): It is used by the UNDP to show how the improvement in economic growth and human development is improving conditions of the human in the various countries. The HDI is defined as process of widening choices available to humans in order to live an educated, long and healthy life and to have access to resources to have a healthy and decent standard of living. It makes use of political freedom, human rights and self-respect to measure the index but as they are difficult to measure, the index uses longevity, knowledgeable and decent standards of livings as indicators in lieu of prosperous and long lives. * Gross National Happiness (GNH): It is frequently used as an alternative measure of progress. It was originally suggested by Bhutan to be used instead of using GDP as an appropriate measure of progress. It measures quality of life or social progress in consistency with Bhutan’s culture and spiritual values rather than focusing more on economic activity. It measures seven types of wellness – economic, environmental, physical, mental, workplace, social and political. Several conferences have also been held on use of GNH and it was primarily used to base the progress of the country on reflections of the country’s Buddhist origins[3](Coztanza, Hart, Posner & Talberth, 2009). Conclusion There are several alternative measures that are suggested to be used to measure the progress and the social well-being of a country. GDP is flawed such that it aids detrimental activities and does not take into account the positive activities of a country. Hence, an alternative that measures not only the market value of final goods and service but which also takes into account the social, economic and environmental factors while calculating the progress of a country is imperative to lead to sustainable development. The current use of GDP leads to more consumption of harmful cigarettes with no emphasis on the environmental degradation from the industrial and business rocesses. Hence, although the economy is progressing in certain spheres of economic activity, it is indeed lagging on sustainable development which requires pollution control, reduced resource usage, better social and income equality. Therefore, alternate measures that take into account all the factors that impact a nation should be developed and the alternative measure that is a composite of all the factors should be used to ensure sustainable develop ment of the economy that reflects progress in daily lives of its citizens. References: 1. 2. 3. (Coztanza, Hart, Posner & Talberth, 2009) –