Thursday, August 27, 2020

Time Warner Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Time Warner Case Study - Research Paper Example Such a circumstance may dynamically prompt market syndication. Clearly a monopolistic market condition may hurt the premiums of purchasers, providers, and new market contestants. Now and then, mergers antagonistically influence the possibility of coordinated associations additionally if the business turns out to be too enormous as a result of the merger. Under such conditions, the merger procedure may make the organizations bring about higher unit costs. So also, frequently immense mergers bring about representative end, which thusly, would add to developing joblessness issues. To put it plainly, neglectful mergers would undermine the financial elevate of the nation and, in this manner, government guideline is fundamental in a market economy. 2. It is seen that the US government has continually mediated in the country’s advertise process in the course of the most recent decade, particularly after the 2008-09 worldwide monetary emergency. The US government distinguished that bo okkeeping extortion was the main driver behind a progression of corporate disappointments in the nation. Thus, these days the US government enormously mediates in the country’s showcase process on the conviction that those limitations would put a beware of unlawful and uncalled for strategic policies. Likewise, the US obligation emergency additionally convinced controllers to practice more power over the country’s advertise process. ... As Perry and Dell (2010) brought up, examinations found that the US bank breakdown were mostly owing to wasteful government command over its market activities. Policymakers accept that administration intercession in the market procedure would help the nation to defeat the effects of obligation emergency and, subsequently, advance supportable financial development. 3. An association or an industry would confront some extra complexities on the off chance that it needs to extend its business division by methods for capital ventures as opposed to merger methodology. Obtaining system is an option in contrast to merger and this strategy requests enormous measures of cash. In the event that the Time Warner continues with the securing technique, the firm would be compelled to bring immense capital up in request to gain another firm. Likewise, hierarchical change related with the procurement system may at times raise expected administrative difficulties to the association. New pursuit develop ment is another technique for self extension and it requires the firm to raise inexhaustible possible wellsprings of capital. If there should be an occurrence of enormous endeavor ventures, Time Warner alone can't subsidize its operational necessities and, in this manner, the firm might be compelled to rely upon obligation financing rehearses. In any case, such strategies would antagonistically influence the budgetary suitability of the firm and therefore undermine the drawn out maintainability of the association (Debt financing). Moreover, other capital tasks dependent on self-expansional techniques may raise a progression of operational troubles to the organization while entering an abroad market. It has been recognized that the degree of vulnerability is higher under self-development techniques dependent on capital ventures other than merger process. 4. At the point when the business is stood up to with government

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Organisational behaviour assessment at Abercrombie & Fitch Assignment

Authoritative conduct appraisal at Abercrombie and Fitch - Assignment Example This paper outlines how the business capacities as a global association rely upon the between associations among deals and showcasing, in-store salesmen, and premium valuing strategies. Utilizing the McKinsey 7-S model as the fitting model, A&F focuses its whole vital business methodology on the common qualities that drive the association, these being youth and magnificence, with every single other perspective worked around the way of life of youth, vanity and excellence. Its methodology, structure, frameworks, abilities, staff, and style are worked around these guiding principle. The common qualities that drive the authoritative culture at Abercrombie and Fitch are identified with sex offer and youth way of life. The entirety of the store’s marked product is centered around these perspectives just as the visual index promoting portraying youthful and appealing models so as to pick up consideration from its ideal youth target markets. Offers the CEO of A&F: â€Å"We p ursue the cool children. Many individuals don’t have a place in our garments and they can’t have a place. Is it accurate to say that we are exclusionary? Absolutely†. This expression from the official level demonstrates the significance of the way of life of selectiveness that lives at this young arranged business, in this way all components of business advancement are revolved around keeping up this appearance to the general devouring open. The objective of A&F is to fortify that lone particular kinds of clients have a place with its marked product assortment and this is obvious in the preparation given to its staff just as how the business advertises its image name over the world. One of its rivals is Victoria’s Secret, a high-volume undergarments organization (Talley, 2008), which further fortifies the degree of culture that lives at the association. â€Å"Great organizations depend vigorously on their societies to help improvement and growth† (Want, 2009, p.10). This is completely obvious with Abercrombie and Fitch as so as to guarantee that technique is connected with the way of life, the entirety of the in-store agents must keep up this demeanor of youth and selectiveness so as to legitimize its higher-than-normal estimating arrangements and guarantee client steadfastness against all other comparable retail rivalry. Its best methodology is the improvement of the store’s deals list which represents 45.2 percent of development in deals (A&F, 2009, p.9). The index, portraying youth entertainers with fit and smooth bodies gives the key deals medium that keeps on engaging people who discover character through Abercrombie and Fitch marked product. â€Å"Strategic the board depends on the conviction that an association ought to continually screen interior and outer occasions and patterns with the goal that opportune changes can be made as needed† (Aluko, Odugbesan, Gbadamosi and Osuagwu, 2004, p.56). Abercrombie faces two problems, in any case, in recognizing suitable procedure. To start with, the business gets positive assumption and higher deals development from its

Friday, August 21, 2020

Building Acronyms Columbia Campus COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Building Acronyms Columbia Campus COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the best parts of studying at SIPA is that you can take classes at Columbia Universitys nine graduate schools. A lot of people cross-register for classes at the Business School, some at the Law School, others at Engineering. The hard part, sometimes, is to discover where  your class is actually taking place. The registration system gives you the acronym for the building, but there are so many buildings that sometimes it is hard to figure the right one. In order to make your life easier, Ive  gathered this list of most recurrent acronyms and respective buildings, including a map of the exact location for them. (And with class visit schedule finally up, this list will definitely be useful.)  See you at IAB! # Acronym Building School / Department   1 IAB International Affairs Building School of International and Public Affairs 2 GRHL Jerome Greene Hall Law School 3 WJWH William and June Warren Business School + Law School 4 KNT Kent Hall East Asian Languages and Cultures 5 HAM Hamilton Columbia College 6 PHI Philosophy Building Philosophy 7 SCH Schermerhorn Natural Sciences 8 MUD Mudd School of Engineering 9 TC Teachers College School of Education 10 URI Uris Business School 11 JRN Pulitzer Journalism school 12 PUP Pupin Astronomy and Physics 13 HAV Havemeyer Chemistry Department

Monday, May 25, 2020

Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 1802 Words

Marijuana is a controversial issue which has come into questionable scrutiny in society today. Although defamatory accusations have been made against the miracle plant, the truths are gradually beginning emerge. The truth, unfortunately, has come under excessive scrutiny due to a bromidic view the public has on a perceived â€Å"pot smoker†. This misconception of a lethargic and apathetic America is the by-product of over seventy years of propaganda and deceitfulness spread by private interests who required the plant illegal for their own personal gains. Marijuana presents several positive benefits, such as hemp cultivation, that far outweigh the negative and for that reason action should be taken to legalize it and the first step is†¦show more content†¦From an industrial view, hemp contributes to many advantages over a great deal of resources that America currently employs. A frequent us for hemp is in the production of textile products. Hemp fibers are durable and strong which makes it ideal for the production of paper, rope, and fabric. Hemp produces a greater yield per acre than its competitor cotton. It has a cycle of growth of only a hundred days instead of cotton, which take a hundred-sixty. Seeds that hemp produces provide a higher amount of protein than soy, and according to U.S. Department of Agriculture, hemp can produce three times as much paper per acre of cannabis than trees do; another advantage is it can be harvested at a faster rate than trees (Wanlund). Reasonably, the most significant characteristic of hemp is its capability to produce a sizeable amount of the chemical cellulose. Cellulose, a compound that can be converted into a biofuel, can power everything that petrol currently does and is commonly being produced in the form of â€Å"energy crops;† mostly cotton and corn. Although we are producing cellulose through crops already, hemp holds the upper-hand because of its ability to be more quickly and frequently pro duced than cotton and has a higher yield by up to 400 percent more than what can be received from a corn stalk (Wanlund). In our current economic position, hemp could generate a large amount of revenue. The United States currently has to import its hempShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high† or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.   Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Ã‚  Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high† feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot† smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words   |  5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words   |  7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the medical si de of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this wouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?985 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize Marijuana Despite what people believe about marijuana, it hasn’t once proved to be the cause of any real issue. It makes you wonder what the reason as to why there is a war on drugs. Why is marijuana the main concern? Since the time that alcohol and tobacco became legal, people wonder why marijuana isn’t legal yet. The fact that marijuana is illegal is mainly caused by the amount of money, jobs, and pride invested in the drug war. Once the government starts anything, they stick to it. At

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Process Analysis Esl 407 - 1140 Words

Essay Draft 2: Process Analysis ESL 407 – L06 Felicia Lim Lixue No matter what stresses you face in daily life, a good book transports you to a completely different world, allowing you to lose yourself in a great story. Reading expands your horizons, pushes your imagination, and improves your writing skills. However, it is unfortunate that many find reading can be a chore; it is frequently done during exams as a way to absorb information and being tested for it. Therefore, it is critical to realize the need to read for pleasure, not as a burden. The beauty of books is that there is bound to be something you are interested to read about, on every topic under the sun is definitely written about in a book somewhere. So for those venturing into the world of books, just follow these three easy steps, and you can cultivate a life-long love of reading. Firstly, you will need to do is to choose a book to read. It can be a headache trying to find a book to read, considering that there are many ways to do so, but the rule of thumb is actually very simple. You can commence by asking yourself on what is your interest? Do you like fashion, computers, or animals? Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction (or both)? You can start off with some easy, enjoyable books of your preferred interest. For example, if you like animals, you can try reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E.B. White, a children’s classic about the adventures of a pig and a spider. Once you have got used to easy reading, slowly workShow MoreRelatedExplicit Instruction in Task-Based Language Teaching7038 Words   |  29 Pagescan interfere the natural process of acquisition (Krashen, 1981; Krashen Terrell, 1983). This position was supported by evidence from studies that compared the effects of implicit and explicit instructions. Researchers found during the studies that speakers of different ages and different first languages learn certain English morphemes and grammatical forms in a similar order (Dulay Burt, 1974; Schumann, 1979). These result led to the hypothesis that similar process underlie both L1 and L2Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesHRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Socializing, Orienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAININGRead MoreIncome Taxation Solutions Manual 1 300300 Words   |  1202 Pagesvalue of the other assets substituted for the property transferred out. While certain steps could be taken to perhaps alleviate this problem, they are rather complex and beyond the scope of this question (see section 55). However, by tracing the process of moving out the land and building, the student will see the roadblocks that appear. A much simpler approach is to transfer the business assets (inventory, equipment and goodwill) to a separate entity (new corporation or partnership) that is owned

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

`` Serve And Protect `` Is The Claim Police Fail

To â€Å"Serve and Protect† is the claim police fail to execute. On April 12, 2015, a young man named Freddie Gray, a resident of Baltimore, was a victim of a vicious attack that resulted in a coma, and finally death, following his arrest. His murderer is the six police officers that are involved in this arrest. One might ask why he fell into a coma in the first place. Gray was brutally mutilated by having his spine ripped out of his back. This occurred because police officers failed to put a seatbelt on him, as required. According to CBS news, Following transport from Baker Street, Mr. Gray suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained inside of the BPD wagon, (Arrest). American citizens’ constitutional rights are being violated because the police force is abusing their power. In recent years police use military gear that is meant for combat, unnecessary for every day police work. Blanks argues that, â€Å"Plenty of police talk about suspects as if they were enemies to be resented and destroyed. Some wear camouflage gear and pose with their militaristic hardware, becoming virtually indistinguishable from a military assault team† (Blanks). To this, one might ask why this is? What brought this on, and why is there a recent splurge of military gear given to ordinary police officers? It is apparent that the U.N. (United Nations) has been, and is currently creating an expansive police force in order to disarm citizensShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling by Police Essay1669 Words   |  7 Pagesto be Right,† acknowledges the issues of racism and racial profiling committed by police. In â€Å"Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun,† Geoffrey Canada also expresses views on this issue when he asserts that police fail to protect and serve individuals in poor neig hborhoods. Staples contends, â€Å"Among the day-to-day acts of discrimination that shadow African Americans, none are more stressful or dangerous than those committed by police, some of whom treat black people as criminals until proved otherwise.† (Staples.Read MoreThe Conflict Between Good And Evil Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pagesbecause, while one might claim that fiction is just made up and that it doesn’t reflect reality nor influence our thoughts, fact and fiction are, in truth, closely related. Audiences see police officers in the real world, but they also see them depicted as characters in works such as plays. These two settings are not so disjointed as one might think, but rather are closely related via the processes of inductive and deductive reasoning. The ways in which audiences perceive police officers in plays canRead MoreState or Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946 Paper1480 Words   |  6 PagesState or Federal Tort Claims AJS/562 December 15, 2014 State or Federal Tort Claims The Constitution of the United States has the amendments in place to protect the citizens from the violation of his or her rights by the government. The Federal Tort Claim Act of 1946 is enacted to ensure the citizens of the United States will receive the proper compensation or if the citizens want to sue the federal government. The Federal Tort Claim Act of 1946 will provide the citizens of the United StatesRead MoreShould Police Be Better At Making Split Minute Decisions?993 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Bernard Shaw How can police be better at making split minute decisions? Police officers risk their lives every day for the attraction of protecting their community against any threat. However, people argue that it is necessary of the police to shoot the victim. According to the Washington Post, Nearly a thousand times this year, an American police officer has shot and killed a civilian. Who is the real victim? Is the training inflexible toward the actions taken by police officers? It has becomeRead MoreMarxists Crime and Deviance.875 Words   |  4 Pagesclass are overlooked as they do not break any laws imposed by the ruling class. However, Marxists fail to recognise that the law does not simply protect ruling-class interests - there is a wide range of laws that are in everyone’s interests, such as those on health and safety, consumer protection, traffic laws and those against household and vehicle theft and violence of all kinds. The police try to protect the public from victimization, and are not simply ruling-class agents who repress the workingRead MoreThe Problem Of Police Enforcement1149 Words   |  5 Pagescitizens who have not been properly trained to react in that situation, so you could pull the trigger and claim self-defense. If you were the 1 in 493 (0.2%) United States citizens who have been trained to react in that situation, the media would dissect the situation and gleefully inform the entire country of your misconduct. The people who have been trained to react in that situation are police officers, whom have undergone heaps of scrutiny throughout the course of United States history â⠂¬â€œ most exclusivelyRead MoreThe Effects Of Police Brutality On The Relationship1243 Words   |  5 Pages Bad Blood: The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship Between Minorities and the Police Brandon Seigle June 16, 2017 CRJS 498 NC AT University ..................Column Break..................As children we are taught that not only are police officers our friends, but that their job is to protect and serve our communities. Unfortunately, for many minorities this image is shattered as incident after incident occurs in the streets of their communities. With today’s technology, theseRead MoreWrongfully Convicted And The Criminal Justice System890 Words   |  4 Pagessystem was put in place by the agencies and established by the governments to help control the crimes and apply penalties to those that violate the law. Many people feel that the criminal justice system is there to protect and serve while others feel that the criminal justice system fails them daily. Over 30 years ago Alan Newton was convicted of a crime. He was accused of rape and slashing a ladies face in an abandon building. The victim that was assaulted picked Newton out in a line up. AfterRead MoreLiability Causes of Action against Law Enforcement Personnel, Supervisors, and Agencies1661 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess should be continuous as our policies and procedures are living documents and customs. Recent studies show the most troubling legal problems facing law enforcement agencies today is the impact of criminal and civil liability. The amount of police litigation appears to be increasing with a movement towards larger monetary damage awards. Today’s reality is law enforcement agencies are increasingly being litigated. It appears the shift has moved from the slip and fall, mom and pop type businessRead MoreBody Camera Research1717 Words   |  7 Pageseffect of body cameras when the full local police force in Rialto, Calif., began using them. In the first year of the technology s introduction, use of force by officers fell 60 percent, while citizen complaints against police plunged 88 percent. ( Cameras have the potential to be a win-win, helping protect the public against police misconduct, and at the same time helping protect police against false accusations of abuse. We’re

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dead poets society. Essay Example For Students

Dead poets society. Essay Mr. Keating, a new English teacher came to the school and changed that. He taught the students to express themselves, suck the marrow out of life and to seize the day. Mr. Keating did not force his students to do anything, he left their choices up to them and let them do what they wanted. Seatings only wish was for his students to live fun, enjoyable incredible lives. The students found a photo of Mr. Keating in an old yearbook with a caption reading- John Keating the man most willing to do anything, Leader of the Dead Poets Society. The boys were curious and approached Mr. Keating. He explained to the students what dead poets society was and how it was a mistake and how gods were created, women swooned, and spirits soared. Neil the most enthusiastic boy suggested that they try it out and all his friends conformed to his idea. Mr. Keating did not tell the boys to reform these meetings, as he knew they were against the school rules. The one thing that caused the boys to do this would have been the reverse physiology Keating used. Mr. Keating taught his students to enjoy poetry and live through it not Just write it. He taught them to be individuals, live their dreams and follow their hearts. This changed many of his students personalities. They changed for the better and some of his students finally found out what they wanted in life. Neil wanted to be an actor. He was extremely talented at it and decided to disobey his father and perform in a local play. He performed in the production of: A Midsummer Nights Dream. His father however wasnt pleased, as he wanted his son to become a doctor. After Nils wonderful performance his father rushed him home and told him that he was sending him to Military school for another ten years to get rid of any other ideas of having an acting career. Neil gets depressed, he has tried his hardest to seize the day and his father cannot accept him as anything but a doctor. That night Neil commits suicide by shooting himself. Mr. Mrs. Perry, students and teacher immediately look for someone to blame. Nils parents refuse to believe that they were the cause of their sons death and turn to he schools headmaster, Mr. Nolan. Mr. Nolan points out how Mr. Seatings unorthodox, creative teaching methods have inspired the student and changed t personalities and the blame is put on Mr. Keating. The headmaster and Mr. and Perry start blaming Mr. Keating for brainwashing Neil, which eventually led to his death. I dont think Mr. Seatings actions were responsible for Nils death. I think that N life was an act to please his father. Neil didnt have a close relationship with his father and had no say in what he did in his life. When Neil participated in the Pl deiced Just how much of his life he was missing out on, his eyes were opened t much fun he could really have and how enjoyable life could be. Neil was not SST enough to confront his dad and tell him how he really felt because of the lack of communication between them. I feel that Mr. Keating allowed Neil to see how m he was missing out on and how much he was suffering. I think that what Mr. Noel did, was unjust and was unfair towards Mr. Keating. Keating changed these stud lives; he gave them the boost they needed to survive a strictness of Walton. Keats never expected it to end in tragedy.

Monday, March 9, 2020

US Army essays

US Army essays In 1829, Andrew Jackson enacted a law that forced all Indians to move west to land that was set aside for them. Before the Indians settled on their new land, more white settlers moved in and searched for gold. They took away land set aside for the Indians. The whites again moved westward to California, and once again, the government took land, which it had given to the Indians, and called it Manifest Destiny. In 1877, Chief Joseph chose between peace and war with the white man, and he changed the future of his people forever, when he chose war. During the war, the white men continued their immoral acts upon the Indians. The U.S. Army engaged in endless slaughter and massacres based on lies and deceptions. Along with their purposes for war, these reasons made the U.S. Army guilty of gross inhumanity towards the Indians in their long and costly war. The U.S. Armys purposes when they went to war were not just, because all that brought them into war was their greed for more land. When the whites landed in America, the Indians took them in, gave them land, and taught them the skills they needed to survive in the new world. All this, of course, was taken as a sign of weakness (Wounded Knee 1) and the Indians were sent packing West. The white settlers took advantage of the Indians kindness and took over their territories. More and more people were shipped across the Atlantic. To make room for them, they took over land that used to belong to the Indians. The Indians attempted to save their tribes from extinction by attacking many white settlements that had originally belonged to them. The Indians attacked fifty-two settlements, completely destroying twelve of them. (Wounded Knee 4) This was taken as a sign of war by the new settlers, so they retaliated in a much stronger effort. The U.S. Army took the Indians to war to fulf ill their own greed and took over the land they claimed...

Friday, February 21, 2020


IT GOVERNANCE FOR A SERVICE ORGANISATION - Assignment Example The application of innovative technologies and tools in diverse industrial sectors has reported an increase in value appreciation and speed of operations that has a positive impact on productivity and profitability of business establishments. However, the implementation of IT tools and technologies is not an easy task since it requires huge investment outlays, personnel training and a changed outlook to existing governance practices that adapt to new methods of operation. The advantages and scope of implementation of these tools and technologies must be supported by strong governance practices that support a highly advanced system of work operations. â€Å"The problem of how to deploy IT in such a way that it adds value to the business is far from new and has been the focal area for information managers for a number of years† (ISACA, 2008). ... The organization chosen for this report was Dell owing to its global market presence and leading service provider to millions of customers around the world. Dell – an overview The role of IT in the present business environment has assumed increased significance with most organizations adopting it as the prime strategy to achieve business goals. Leading IT companies like Dell have influenced the ways in which the conventional role of IT thus has shifted from being an operational support mechanism to a primary enabler contributing to increased efficiency and effectiveness in organizational performance. The report provides a deeper insight into the IT governance standards and controls adopted by one of the leading IT service organizations, Dell. Regulatory compliance and audit controls over organizational operations have become a reality today with more and more companies adopting globally accepted IT governance frameworks for increased returns on investment and increased securit y in operations. IT organizations like Dell today operate under increased legislative pressures to ensure high standards of service, effective compliance with governance and legislative requirements, and optimizing work processes for increased information security. IT governance has been defined by ITGI (2009) as the â€Å"responsibility of the board of directors and executive management. It is an integral part of enterprise governance and consists of leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure that the organization’s IT sustains and extends the organization’s strategies and objectives†. The controls and standards established through various frameworks like ITIL and Cobit provide the IT companies with the direction to control

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Who am I as a Learner and who am I Becoming a Teacher Essay

Who am I as a Learner and who am I Becoming a Teacher - Essay Example This is followed by the different responsibilities that are a part of being a teacher, as opposed to being a learner. Identifying each of these within my personal life and making the transition into the needed responsibilities and changes is the beginning of perspectives which I have to alter the way in which I look at being both a learner and a teacher. The first change in perspective and in responsibility which I have noticed is with the ideology of being a learner in a diverse classroom as opposed to working as a teacher with the need to associate with the needs of different learners. Multiculturalism, diversity, behaviors and other associations within the classroom are the main concepts now associated with the classroom. The demand is to learn how to work in the classroom with the changes and to find new solutions to the dynamics of the classroom (Greene, 1993). I have noticed that working in a classroom as a learner often creates friction because of the same problem. When I am w orking as a learner, I noticed the diversity and also note that the structure within the classroom doesn’t work. However, as a teacher, there is no solution to the current structure that is a part of the classroom. When looking at the responsibilities of an emerging teacher, there is the understanding that the environment and dynamics has to change for the right change and ability to learn with the diverse classroom. This creates more of an understanding as a learner and the ability to find new solutions as an emerging teacher. The concept of the diverse classroom and meeting the changes and needs that are a part of the teaching and learning further with understanding what is needed to begin teaching. This begins with the images that are in the classroom for the environment as well as how children perceive and respond to this. The image which a learner has toward the classroom and the image which the teacher has of the child is an alternative perspective. There are changes th at alter according to the environment and what is occurring between the changing images of the learner and the teacher (Malaguzzi, Emilia, 1993). I know that as a learner, I look at the environment first, which gives a specific impression of the teacher and what the highlights are for the year. This is followed with how the environment may affect or change my desire to learn. I also know that as a learner, I look at how the teacher looks at me and what is expected of me. This means that as a teacher, I will need to create an environment that builds the right first impression. That also means that I will need to be cautious of the images which I have of learners and what is expected. This makes an impact on the learning and the changes which occur throughout the year in the given environment. The environment and impressions in the classroom are furthered with other concepts and responsibilities between the learner and teacher. Teaching as a pedagogical activity is one which requires more than a basic curriculum and the ability to associate with the classroom. It is one which requires responsibilities for understanding what children are able to offer while building the diverse classroom. The curriculum becomes a foundation that should be expanded on by the teacher so there is an understanding of subject material and a sense of responsibility toward what all children need (Van Manen, 1991). This concept is one of the most difficult for both learners and teachers. My experience as a learner is one which has noted this, specifically because of my place in the classroom. There have been times where the curriculum and assignments didn’t make sense; however, the ability for the teacher to be available is

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Study into the Variable causing conflict in Nestle

Study into the Variable causing conflict in Nestle 1.0: INTRODUCTION TO NESTLE Nestle was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle with headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland. It has employed around 250,000 people and has factories or operations in almost every country in the world. It is one of the worlds biggest food and Beverage Companies. The Companys priority is to bring the best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are, whatever their needs, throughout their lives. 1.1: PURPOSE OF RESEARCH The study of the research is to find the variable which has leads towards conflicts in Nestle Organization. The main purpose of the research is, firstly, to identify the causes of conflicts in Nestle and, secondly, to manage conflicts in Nestle organization. This report will be helpful for students who want to conduct a research as well as the company improving or solving the problems. 1.2: BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY All of us experience some type of conflicts in our daily lives. Tensions, antagonisms, and frustrations always occur when people work together. There are disagreements, perhaps even fights, between employees and the supervisor or between co-workers. Aside from personality clashes, people simply have different viewpoints about the way things should be done. The main purpose of conducting the research is to find out the conflicts, and finding the ways to manage and solve them in an organisation. In this context we have got the opportunity to conduct our research on one of the top organizations (Nestle). 1.3: DEFINITION OF CONFLICT Conflict is defined as the state of discord caused by perceived or actual opposition of needs, interests and values. A conflict can be internal or external. The concept of conflict can help to explain many social aspects of life such as social disagreement, fights between individuals, groups, or organizations and conflict of interests. Conflict as taught for graduate and professional work in conflict resolution which is defined as when two or more parties, with perceived incompatible goals, seek to undermine each others goal-seeking capability. However, conflict can also occur in cooperative situations, in which two or more individuals or parties have consistent goals, because the manner in which individuals or party tries to reach their goal can still undermine the other individuals or party. 1.4: NATURE OF CONFLICT Conflict may constructively be viewed as resulting from differing belief systems, varied perspectives on the situation and values resulting from participants accumulated life experience and conditioning, differing interests and objectives. Effectively dealing with conflict requires the expression and management of participants varying interests, belief systems, perspectives and values. Through the integration of participants perspectives, belief systems, interests and values, conflict and conflict resolution play important roles in individual and social evolution and development. Conflict arises when one or more participants view the current system as not working. At least one party is adequately unhappy with the position, that they are willing to own the conflict and speak with the hope of being able to influence the situation to arrive at an improved condition. Conflict may be sight as a process we put ourselves through to attain a new condition and self definition. Through conflict we have opportunities to be artistically self-defining. If nothing else, conflict allows us in future to do things differently. Through the resolution of conflict, we can evolve and redefine ourselves, our community, our relationships our society and our world. 1.5: LEVELS OF CONFLICT 1.5.0: Inter divisional conflict Inter divisional conflicts exists between the perceiver and another individual within the organization. Although the other person does not need to be aware of the conflict, the perceiver of the conflict situation recognizes the present or future impact conflict can have on job performance. 1.5.1: Intra group conflict Intra group conflicts occur between perceiver and his or her immediate group within the organization. The immediate group can consist of work team, department or union. Whether fully or only superficially aware of the conflict issue, the perceiver realizes that the conflict can directly or indirectly affect job performance. 1.5.2: Inter group conflict It arises between the perceivers immediate group and another group within the organization. Again, the perceivers involvement may not be critical, but he or she must be aware of the situation and the potential impact the conflict can have on work performance. 1.5.3: Organizational conflict Organizational conflict is a state of disagreement caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. 1.6: TYPES OF CONFLICT A conceptual conflict can rise into a verbal exchange or result in fighting.Conflict can exist at a variety of types. These are Community conflict Diplomatic conflict Emotional conflict Environmental resources conflict Group conflict Ideological conflict Interpersonal conflict Inter-societal conflict Intrapersonal conflict Organizational conflict Religious-based conflict and Workplace conflict . 1.7: CAUSES OF CONFLICTS 1.7.0: Authority relationship Authority Relationship conflicts occur because of the existence of strong pessimistic emotions, misperceptions or stereotypes, poor communication or miscommunication, or repetitive negative behaviors. Authority relationship problems often increase disputes and lead to an unnecessary rising spiral of destructive conflict. Supporting the secure and balanced expression of perspectives and emotions for acknowledgment (not agreement) is one effective approach to managing relational conflict. 1.7.1: Management style For any organization to be effectual and efficient in achieving its goals, the people in the organisation need to have a common vision of what they are determined to achieve, as well as clear objectives for each individual, group/ team and department. Management style also needs ways of recognizing and resolving conflict between people, so that conflict does not become so serious that collaboration becomes impossible. The management of any organisation needs to have ways of keeping conflict to a minimum and of solving problems caused by conflict, before conflict becomes a major obstruction to work. Management style helps to avoid conflict where probable and organizing to resolve conflict where it does happen, as rapidly and smoothly as possible. 1.7.2: Communication barriers: Conflict will be greater when barriers to communication exist. If parties are separated from each other physically or by time e.g.; the day shift versus the night shift-the opportunity for conflict is increased. To illustrate suppose a company employs only one plant supervisor, who works the day shift and leaves orders at the beginning of each week for the workers on the night shift. By the end of the week, how ever, these orders have been only partially carried out. The supervisor cannot figure out why. Obviously, the supervisor absence from the night shift has posed a communication barrier, which in turn causes decreased output. As Bryans, P, Cronin argued in 1984 that Space or time separations could promote isolated group interests rather than advance a common effort towards joint goals. 1.7.3: Personal factors Behavioral The way emotional experience gets expressed which can be verbal or non-verbal and intentional or un-intentional. Physiological Its defined as the bodily experience of emotion. The way emotions make us feel in comparison to our identity. Cultural values Culture tells people who are a part of it, Which emotions ought to be expressed in particular situations and what emotions are to be felt. Physical This escalation results from anger or frustration. Verbal This escalation results from negative perceptions of the annoyers character. 1.8: WAYS OF ADRESSING CONFLICTS There are basically five ways of addressing conflicts which were identified by Thomas and Kilman in 1976. These are 1.8.0: Accommodation Ones party surrenders its own needs and wishes to accommodate the other party. 1.8.1: Avoidance Avoid conflict by ignoring it, changing the subject, etc. As an expedient means of dealing with very minor, non-recurring conflicts or Avoidance can be useful as a temporary measure to buy time. In many cases, conflict avoidance involves severing a relationship. 1.8.2: Collaboration Working together can find a mutually beneficial solution. Collaboration can also be inappropriate and time-intensive. When there is not enough respect, trust or communication among participants for collaboration to occur. 1.8.3: Compromise Finding a centre point where each party is partially satisfied. 1.8.4: Competition Take the ones point of view at the potential expense of another. It can be more useful when achieving the ones objectives outweighs ones concern for the relationship CHAPTER # 2 2.0: LITERATURE REVIEW Different researchers have published their reviews on conflicts in the organization. We are viewing two best reviews of the researchers articles. Mr. Philips in 1982 threw light on some of key conditions, which may lead to serious organizational conflicts; he gave his views in the book named as Community in Organization. According to M Phillips certain social relationships characterized various kinds of conflict behavior. Each one could occur in your work area. The more aware the managers are of these conflict settings, the better are the chances of correcting them and running a smooth operation. Mr. Philip identified communication as problem in his research. The causes of conflicts are structural factors, authority relationships, common resources, goal differences interdependence, jurisdictional ambiguities, specialization, status-inconsistencies, personal factors, communication, conflict management style, cultural differences, emotions, perception, personalities, skills and abilities, values and ethics. According to the researcher, possible solution; it is obvious that a perfect communication system is unlikely. But also per fection like rationality will not be achieved; organizations do have mechanism by which they can attempt the communication system as clear as they can. Philips also suggested that there are such devices available which can reduce the distortion and complications in communication process and suggested that communication recipients should be aware of the biases of the message senders and protect their own counter biases as protection devices. James M Leif John M Penrose in 1997 in the book Business Strategies Skills 5th Edition explained the nature of organizational conflicts identify the causes of conflicts i.e. Structural Factors, Common Resources , Goal Differences , Interdependence ,    Jurisdictional Ambiguities, Inconsistencies ,Personal Factors Communication barriers, Conflict management style ,Cultural differences ,Emotions Perception, Personalities, Skills and abilities, Values and Ethics, Behavioral and Physiological Cognitive. The researchers says that it is possible to avoid conflict by having mechanism such as voting to make decision without the disagreement of consensus. They also find that behavioral regulation fail to match the individual need of employee, conflict is bound to occur. In 1995 B R Siwal in his research Resolution Strategies to Conflict describes that conflict is a necessary and integral part of effective problem solving and realistic discussions. It is core sound of decision making because disagreement is the best vehicle for enlargement the perspective, discovering alternatives, and motivating creative interaction among each member. The effects of disagreement, though, depend on how it is administer by team members. Conflict can be integrative and constructive or it can be distributive and disruptive. When mismanagement occur, conflict can demolish team effectiveness, when handled well it can deeply enhance the quality of team work and make members sense proud of their work in the team. Training in the nature of conflict and the ways of managing it is an imperative need of all the people who participates in problem solving groups, such as those that make up work teams. The negative association of conflicts wants to be dispelled and substitute with more practical conceptions that made the justifiable distinction between disruptive and constructive conflict. When team members see that conflict can be a positive strength in conversation, they are better prepared to take up effective proposal attitudes and behaviors in trouble solving situations. Further more the differences between integrative and distributive conflict can help them learn how their own behavior contributes to the atmosphere of the team which they belong. Davor Dujak in 2008 describes in his research that in every organization conflict encounters on a daily basis. The conflict cannot be avoided but it is probable to mange them in a way that we identify them on time. It is essential to constantly track the organizational signals which position to their existence. If Organization does not respond accordingly, this can lead to the condition that conflict itself manages the organization. One of the more important determinants of productivity, performance and efficiency and finally the job satisfaction is also the conflict as an independent variable of organizational behavior. By systematic research of organizational behavior we want to make a positive influence on the dependents variables, but first we have to realize and get a good approaching to the individual elements of organizational behavior. In 2004 Melanie Lewis describes in her research that if conflict managed poorly or avoided, it can be very costly to an organization. If managed well, conflict presents an opportunity to uncover significance and promote a healthy work place. Many organizations are finding that their conflicts management systems have been good by financial investments, generating a healthy return. In additional they are recognizing the value of many less substantial benefits (lower turnover, increased efficiencies, improved morale and improve public relations). A precise four phased process assessment, design, implementation, operation and evaluation helps organizations design effective conflict management systems to gather the maximum benefit of conflict system. Moreover this four phased approach strongly encourages the team actually to seek to understand and incorporate the needs and interests of all affected constituency, and creates an environment in which the benefits of the system can be effecti vely communicated, implemented and administered. In 2010 De Dreu C.K describes in his research that conflict is a multidimensional with both relationship and task forms. Hence it is expected that if they change the managing type of conflicts, it will plays an important role in organizational performance. While if organization did not manage good, the conflict will plays a negative role. However the researcher discussed only two types of conflicts in his research namely affective and task conflict in order to play better role in organizational performance. After studying the reviews of different researchers, we will take help from different researches but our group decided that we will follow the research of M Philip because they dictate information about factors which are important for identifying conflicts and understanding the meaning of conflict and how it influences the organizations internal environment in solving problems. CHAPTER # 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0: Research type: The type of research that we are conducting is applied research because it is conducted for a particular organization. Applied research is practical applicability of research tools on a particular organizational situation. 3.1: data collection We will be collecting our data by using two sources which are as follows. 3.1.0: Primary data Our primary data is collected through conducting interviews and designed questionnaires from directors, managers and employees of Nestle. 3.1.1: Secondary data The secondary data is collected from past records of Nestle and books along with business articles to support our recommendations and suggestions. 3.2: Sample size During this survey we have taken responses from a Sample size of 30 which is further divided into two groups. We also conducted survey from 10 managers and 20 employees. The sampling type that we used is non random sampling technique because we want to get information from every third employee and manager of Nestle organization. Our survey is in questionnaire and interview form, so our questionnaires consist of open ended and close ended questions. We have conducted unstructured interviews, asked from the respondents to get more information. CHAPTER # 4 ANALYSIS 4.0: INTRODUCTION TO DATA ANALYSIS Data analysis is a practice in which the raw data is ordered and organized in order to extract useful information from it. The process of organizing and thinking about data is the key to understand what the data does and does not contain. There are varieties of ways in which people can approach data analysis, and it is infamously easy to manipulate data during the analysis phase to push certain conclusions. There are different methods for analyzing the data for example surveys, charts, frequency tables, graphs and personal observations etc. 4.1: ANALYSING FOR CORRECTION OF DATA We had conducted unstructured interviews for analyzing of questionnaires which we had made for collecting data from employees and managers to check whether the answers given by them are right or wrong. We had found no matches; the interview opposes the answers given by them in questionnaires. We have analyzed our data through frequency tables and bar charts. 4.2: FREQUENCY TABLE Frequency table is one of the important concepts in mathematical statistics and a good analyzing tool. A table divided into cells by category with counts for each category in each cell. It is a kind of display of a given data, in which the frequency of each data item is found. The frequency of a data item is the number of times it occurs in the data set. 4.3: BAR GRAPH A graph consisting of parallel, usually vertical bars or rectangles with lengths proportional to the frequency with which specified quantities occur in a set of data. A bar graph is a pictographic version of statistical data in which the independent variable can attain only certain discrete values. The dependent variable may be discrete or continuous. The most common form of bar graph is the vertical bar graph, also called a column graph. This type of display allows us to: Compare groups of data, and To make generalizations about the data quickly. 4.4: ANALYSIS OF QUESTIONNAIRES 4.4.0: FROM MANAGEMENT 1) More than the desired output of the employees make can be harmful to the organization?     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a) YES b) NO Variables Codes Frequency Yes 01 9 No 02 1 Table: Graph: 2) There is a free flow of communication among the employees:     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a) YES b) NO Variables Codes Frequency Yes 01 10 No 02 0 Table: Graph: 3) Employees are properly informed about decision taken?     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a) YES b) NO Variables Codes Frequency Yes 01 7 No 02 3 Table: Graph: 4) There is a consistency among the management policies:     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a) YES b) NO Variables Codes Frequency Yes 01 8 No 02 2 Table: Graph: 5) Key post should be through:     Ã‚  Ã‚  a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Direct Appointment  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  b) Promotion Variables Codes Frequency Direct appointment 01 8 Promotion 02 2 Table: Graph: 4.5.1: FROM EMPLOYEES 1) From how long have you been working in this organization?   6 months 1 year 3 years Or more than 3 years Variables Codes Frequency 6 months 01 4 1 year 02 2 3 years 03 10 Or more than 3 years 04 4 Table: Graph: 2) What kind of boss do you like to work with?   Friendly Competent Leant Difficult Variables Codes Frequency Friendly 01 17 Competent 02 3 Leant 03 0 Difficult 04 0 Table: Graph: 3) Which type of leaderships style do you like the most? Autocratic Democratic Variables Codes Frequency Autocratic 01 18 Democratic 02 2 Table: Graph: 4) How does your management is doing the evaluation among the employees? Performance base Merit base Variables Codes Frequency Performance base 01 18 Merit base 02 2 Table: Graph: 5) Which management level should be responsible for problems between employees? Choose any of the following Top level Middle level Lower level Variables Codes Frequency Top level 01 2 Middle level 02 17 Lower level 03 1 Table: Graph: Q6: How do you communicate the unforeseen problem with your manager or general manager?   Answer: Most of the respondents suggested that they like to meet the general managers directly for any unforeseen events. Q7: Do you think your organization should involve the employees in decision making? And why?   Answer: Most of employees consider that their managers are capable of taking right decisions and there is no need of involving employees. While few of them suggested that it can be a source of new and creative ideas. Q8: What can you suggest for a better management system?   Answer: Most of the employees have no idea about it. Few of them believe that friendly environment and better salaries can improve management system. 4.6: INTER ORGANISATIONAL CONFLICTS OF NESTLE The nature conflicts in Nestle found out through the unstructured interviews and through questionnaire with the directors the managers of NESTLE Peshawar are as follows: The first thing which found, was the lack of training given to the employees, managers said that in the organization, employees always have to work together in groups, and if some one feels that he/she cannot work within the group, then there is some problem with that employee, but at the same time managers said that it is the organizations responsibility to teach the employees how to work together in groups through proper training. They mentioned that without training the organizations might face serious types of irresolvable conflicts, which are definitely not fruitful to the organization. The second main reason mentioned by the manager of the company was the Selection Biases, manager said that selection biases may also lead to conflicts within the company, and these conflicts are normally personal as well. The manager said that if in cases the top management (directors) interferes in the process of hiring the employees, they might select the wrong person for the right job. On the other hand there may be serious conflicts going on between the managers the directors on the issues of authority and responsibility balance. Further if the manager takes big decisions like job confirmation salary decisions then, there may be conflicts, and these must be taken by the top management (directors). The manager of NESTLE also raised the point of communications problem. They believe that every information must be communicated from their tables. If in any case any employee bypasses the manger, there may be a conflict between them. Manager also said that there is no need of any employee who bypasses the manager to access to the top management (directors). Usually the organizations do have Coordinators who are directly answerable to the top management. He said that the manager will not be able to properly deal with him and conflicts between them will arise. The manager said that young unmarried employees usually indulge in office politics and make conflicts among the employees. According to him only married and experienced persons should be provided with the jobs. Racial problems also create conflicts among the employees. Bad attitude of the manager and arrogant nature of the boss is also one reason of conflicts. The manager said that effective person but highly cooperative person would be proffered in place of an efficient but uncooperative one. The managers presented the following ideas to prevent conflicts: Contractual Jobs Hire fire system. Authority to the managers Some of them had a bit different views. Director held the middle managements capabilities responsible for the conflicts within the organization. He also said that there is no relationship between the authority and reasonability with the conflicts. He proffered the autocratic style of management in the beginning, but it should be shifted to the democratic style in the later portions. Director said that although the centralized system slows down the process of working, but it will also decrease the conflicts between the employees. They said that, if you (Employee) have to be successful in the company, then you have to become a big YES SIR. One of the director also mentioned that horizontal conflicts are more common. Super seeded persons normally indulge in making conflicts. He said that super seeded persons should be terminated in place of super seeding them. Dress code can experience the anger from the employees due to Ethnic affiliations to some dresses. Directors were strongly in favor of Coordinator, they said that a coordinator channels the communication process between the manager and the top management. He also gave the following ideas to prevent the possible conflicts in the organizations: Promotions Clear line of Authority Not more than one employee from same Regional locations and same institutions/Universities. CHAPTER # 5 5.0: CONCLUSION The Organizational Conflicts is itself not a problem, but it is a serious symptom of some factors that are usually ignored while designing the organizational structures. From the literature review, taking samples (convenience) analysis of the data gathered. Some factors are identified that usually are the root cause of the conflicts. Some of these are: Ethnicity Personal Jealousy Arrogant behaviors (low temperament) Communication problems Due to the nature of the issue the responses from the top (Directors), middle (Managers) lower management (Employees) were totally contrary with each other. For this purpose structured questionnaires (covering both open ended and close ended questions) and unstructured interviews were conducted. That made the deductions possible by comparing the verbal and non verbal responses, rephrasing the same questions two-three times to check the consistency of the replies. The ethnic issue is the most important. Due to ethnicity no sampled branch has been successful in implementing the dress code yet. Even though, all the respondents favoured it. It is observed that employees belonging to KHYBER PUKHTUNKHWA are very low tempered. Their frequency of jobs switching is higher than others. It proves that they cannot work in teams and work with an arrogant manager. To conclude, who should be held responsible for conflicts, the manager is the key person who channels the communication whether upward or down ward. 5.1: RECOMMENDATIONS The current thinking should be for the maximum utilization of the companys resources and to push the power and decision making authority down the hierarchy of the organization. This can create more power and flexibility within the company as a whole. Good leaders should not have any problem in delegating power and responsibility. Disagreement with the supervisor should be encouraged as long as it leads to productive results. It is critical for the manager to get diverse work force to work well together and respect their differences. Diversity should be encouraged because it can help the organization in future to adapt to the changing global market. All problems can be prevented from happening and/or rectified, if the middle management (Manager) of the company justifies its position. Middle management plays an anchor role. Manager should be able to deal with all the employees who have different cultural backgrounds, personalities priorities. Hiring experienced and matured managers and providing them training could help the case. On job training of the employees. Open house discussions should be there at least one a month. While assigning the groups to the employees for tasks, it must be assured that all the groups are properly matched. REFERENCE B R Siwal, S 1995, Conflict Resolution Strategies, last viewed date 16 dec, 2010, Jacob.Bervich, S 1997, Conflict and Conflict Management in Organizations, last viewed date 12 dec, 2010, . De Dreu C.K, S 2010,

Monday, January 20, 2020

Biography of Moses Essay -- Biographies Bio Religion Judaism

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Main focus will be on Moses. He was the greatest prophet, leader, and teacher of Judaism. By focusing on Moses, I’ll incorporate the importance of certain passages that prove the Old Testament; and show how Moses’ role was significant and essential to the Hebrews. Moses 1400 B.C.E In a nutshell†¦ Moses was born in a very difficult time: Pharaoh had ordered that all male children born to Hebrew slaves should be drowned in the river (Exodus. 1:22). Moses’ mother hid him for three months, and when she could no longer hide him, she put him in an ark and placed it on the river where Pharaoh's daughter bathed (Ex. 2:2-3). Pharaoh's daughter found the child and had compassion for him (Exodus. 2:6). Although Egyptians raised Moses, the compassion he felt toward his people (the Hebrews) was so great that he could not bear to see them beaten by Pharaoh's taskmasters. One day, when Moses was about 40 years old, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, and he was so outraged that he struck and killed the Egyptian (Exodus. 2:11-12). Both the Hebrews and Pharaoh condemned him for this actions, and Moses was forced to flee from Egypt (Ex. 2:14-15). G-d appeared to Moses and chose him to lead the Hebrews out of Egyptian slavery and to the Promised Land, Israel (Ex. Chs. 3-4). With the help of his brother Aaron, Moses spoke to Pharaoh and triggered the plagues against Egypt (Ex. Chs. 4-12). He then led the people out of Egypt and across the sea to freedom, and brought them to Mount Sinai, where G-d gave the people the Torah; and the people accepted it (Ex. Chs. 12-24). G-d revealed the entire Torah to Moses. The Torah includes the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) that Moses wrote as G-d instructed him. It also includes all of the remaining prophecies that would later be written down in the remaining books of scripture. Furthermore, it contains the entire Oral Torah the oral tradition for interpreting the Torah, which would later be written down in the Talmud. Moses spent the rest of his life writing the first five books, essentially taking dictation of G-d. After Moses received instruction from G-d about the Law and how to interpret it, he came back down to the people. There he found the Hebrews idolizing a golden calf. This is a very significant story in the Bible. It show... ...nomy. According to some, Moses wrote the last few verses from a vision of the future, but according to others, the last few verses were added by Joshua after Moses’ death. Moses’ position as leader of Israel was not hereditary. His son, Gershom, did not inherit the leadership of Israel. Moses’ chosen successor was Joshua, son of Nun (Deut. 34:9). Moses was 120 years old at the time that he died (Deut. 34:7). That lifespan is considered to be ideal, and has become proverbial: one way to wish a person well in Jewish tradition is to say, "May you live to be 120!" As important as Moses was to the Children of Israel, it is always important to remember that Moses himself was not the deliverer or redeemer of Israel. It was G-d who redeemed Israel, not Moses. Moses was merely G-d's prophet, His spokesman. The traditional text of Passover does not even mention Moses’ name. In order to prevent people from falsely worshipping Moses, his grave was left unmarked (Deut. 34:6). Bibliography and Resources: †¢ Fields, Lanny B., Barber, Russell J., Riggs, Cheryl A. The Global Past. Bedford Books, 1998. †¢ Reilly, Kevin. Worlds of History. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004 †¢ The Internet

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Healthcare management capstone by nikita brown Essay

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Administrators must continuously seek opportunities to increase the profitability of their practice or facility. Throughout this course, you will develop a plan to integrate a current and emerging trend in health care in your organization. Your Executive Summary to integrate a current or emerging solution into your organization will include the following: †¢Week 1: Topic Research/Selection and Literature Review †¢Week 2: Organizational Assessment †¢Week 3: Project Plan †¢Week 4: Implementation Plan †¢Week 5: Evaluation Plan Week 1: Topic Research/Selection and Literature Review Part 1: Topic Research and Selection Begin this process by researching what health care organizations are doing or attempting to do to increase profitability. Remember, profitability can be improved from many different angles. A nonexclusive list of potential ways would be adding additional services, decreasing costs, increasing the amount of services that are provided, or implementing a quality improvement program that qualifies for incentive monies. Check trade journals or professional discussion boards, or reach out to existing health care managers. Part 2: Literature Review Perform a literature review of the solution that you have decided to apply to your organization. The review will encompass several articles, and at least 1 of the articles must be peer-reviewed. Look at current material (within the last 2 years). Remember, a literature review includes a summary of the information that you found that is relevant to your topic as well as an APA reference for each resource that you reviewed. Identifying what topic to perform research on should be accomplished quickly because you will need sufficient time to perform your literature review. Review a minimum of 10 documents. The review should be between 10–15 pages, including the bibliography. Use APA format.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Applied Exporting and Importing Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1752 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? (Applied Exporting and Importing) Assignment Report o World Trade Organization in New Zealands trade with rest of the world Facilitates trade liberalisation through opening up markets and removing trade barriers? Ans.The WTO is an association of 153 part governments that arrange together to change universal exchange and build and maintain worldwide exchange guidelines. Through its WTO participation, New Zealand profits from clear exchange decides that are appropriate to all. The Doha Round: The Doha Round of WTO exchange transactions initiated in 2001. This Round, otherwise called the Doha Development Round Agenda, plans to decrease exchange hindrances and support creating nations through exchange liberalization. New Zealand is energetically included in seeking after a goal-oriented and adjusted conclusion to the arrangements. Buyers can purchase less costly items and makers can buy less extravagant crude materials and semi fabricated merchandise. This could be said as the principle explanation behind exchange. Enhancing access to business sectors: The real center of arrangements at the WTO is to encourage exchange liberalization through the opening of businesses and the evacuation of exchange obstructions. Agriculture Agriculture is a significant building square of the New Zealand economy. The generation and transforming of farming items, for example, meat, dairy items, fleece, soil grown foods, vegetables and wine ordinarily produce around 16 percent of our yearly terrible residential item and utilize around 15 percent of the workforce. Rural items make up over a large portion of New Zealands stock fares. Non-agricultural goods Non-horticultural items blanket a differing scope of New Zealand trades. They incorporate all fabricated merchandise and additionally timberland and fish items, chemicals, and minerals. Non-agrarian items made up 46% of New Zealands fare receipts in the year to December 2005, value Nz$14.2 billion. Service Services are frequently portrayed as things you can purchase or offer however cant convey. They incorporate a wide and assorted scope of exercises that are key to New Zealands economy, from expert administrations, for example, lawful, bookkeeping and so forth. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Applied Exporting and Importing Assignment" essay for you Create order Clarifies and strengthens the rules used to govern international trade. Ans.Another important aim of the WTO is to clarify and strengthen the rules used to govern international trade. Trade facilitation Exchange assistance might be characterized as the disentanglement of exchange techniques, or removing the formality at the outskirt. The point is to make exchange stream all the more easily and consequently slice costs through means other than the evacuation of levy and conventional non-tax obstructions. Both created and creating nation Members have advanced a mixture of recommendations to progress Articles V, VIII and X of the GATT. For a rundown of the papers displayed by New Zealand, and in addition other foundation data. Exchange Facilitation Recommendations on Transit correspondence from Armenia, Canada, the European Communities, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, New Zealand, Paraguay, and the Republic of Moldova 15 February 2006 Illuminations and Improvements in GATT Article VIII (Fees and Formalities Connected with Importation furthermore Exportation) correspondence from New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland 5 October 2005 Illuminations and Improvements in GATT Article VIII (Fees and Formalities Connected with Importation whats more Exportation) correspondence from New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland 29 April 2005 Recommendations to Clarify and Improve Articles VIII and X correspondence from New Zealand 21 March 2005 Trade remedies Exchange cures permit governments to give interim help to local industry from out of line rivalry from abroad or a sudden surge in imports. Governments have three sorts of exchange cure accessible to them: against dumping obligations: Dumping is the fare of an item at a lower cost than the items ordinary esteem. Antidumping accommodates the application of antidumping obligations when an examination has built that products are constantly dumped and that they are bringing about or undermine to cause material harm to a local industry. The obligation is intended further bolstering counterbalance the good fortune managed through dumping. Non-tariff barriers non-tariff barriers have a comparable impact to duties by expanding the consistence expenses of getting an item into an abroad market. Taxes will be duties on merchandise being traded starting with one nation then onto the next. The impact of these measures is to raise the cost of foreign merchandise and make them less aggressive in the importing nation, to the detriment of exporters in the trading nation and customers in the importing nation. The immediate and circuitous expenses of regulating such security may be like or surpass the income picked up. Rules of origin In the event that a shirt is sewn in Fiji utilizing Indian fabric that was removed in Malaysia to a New Zealand design, which nation made it? For an exchanging nation like New Zealand, evaluating where an item is from might be critical. It can focus, for instance, whether the item might be foreign obligation free in light of the fact that it is made in a creating nation, or whether it is liable to import standards when it is sent out. The World Trade Association and the World Customs Organization are working with nations as far and wide as possible to create around the world Standards of Origin criteria that nations can use to figure out where an item is made. Customs valuation Keeping in mind the end goal to compute rates of obligation on merchandise, traditions authorities need to have the capacity to work out the estimation of the products. Without the arrangement of reasonable, uniform and unbiased guidelines gave by the World Trade Organization assent to traditions valuation, exporters could be cheated obligation on their fares. Where a levy applies to products, traditions authorities need to know the estimation of the merchandise to work out the measure of obligation the products are liable to. Traditions valuation is the method utilized by traditions authorities to focus the estimation of the transported in merchandise for the reasons of computing the right import obligation. The traditions worth is basically the transaction esteem that a shipper pays for the products, yet can incorporate other extra expenses, for example, commission, bundling and sovereignties. On the off chance that the wrong esteem is connected, exporters could be cheated obligation. On the off chance that exporters are unsure how the worth will be figured, the matter of trading gets to be flighty. Poor traditions valuation techniques can go about as an obstruction to exchange. Pre-shipment inspection Importing products from a few nations is conceivably a hazardous business for all gatherings concerned. To anticipate extortion and to ensure merchants and exporters, some creating nations use pre-shipment investigation by autonomous offices to verify that the value, quality and amount are effectively determined on shipment points of interest. Pre-shipment investigation is the practice by legislatures of utilizing autonomous privately owned businesses to review products before these are traded to different nations. The products are checked to guarantee that the value, quality and amount are accurately pointed out on the shipment subtle elements. Pre-shipment investigation is imperative. It is utilized by legislatures of creating nations to adjust for any deficiencies in the regulatory bases. Pre-shipment assessment is an approach to anticipate business extortion and additionally traditions obligation avoidance. Intellectual property Individuals might be given uncommon rights to keep others from utilizing their developments, plans or different manifestations. These rights offer ascent to a sort of property savvy property which arrives in an assortment of structures. The best known structures are copy right (blanket books, works of art, movies or another articulation of a thought), licenses (for developments) and trademarks (under which brand names and logos might be enrolled). The goal of protected innovation insurance is to strike a harmony in the middle of development and the exchange of engineering, to profit both makers and clients, and to improve monetary and social welfare. Dispute settlement The Trade Law Unit inside the Legal Division of the Ministry gives legitimate exhortation and representation in different worldwide exchange for, including World Trade Organization (WTO) arranging rounds, WTO question settlement processes, and in Free Trade Agreement (FTA) arrangements. Each of the connections underneath gives more data about each of these ranges of action. The Unit likewise gives guidance on the consistency of local New Zealand strategy with our universal exchange law commitments. Transparency People, organizations and governments i ncluded in exchange and speculation need to know however much as could reasonably be expected about the states of exchange the nations they need to manage. Expanded transparency is a gimmick of numerous WTO understandings. The accompanying strategies support conviction and consistency about exchanging conditions: Each time an administration acquaints or rolls out an improvement with particular measures, strategies or laws that may have a huge impact on exchange, they need to illuminate the WTO and individual parts and give points of interest of how these laws are, no doubt connected. WTO parts are permitted a sensible period to make remarks on these proposed progressions. National enquiry focuses: Under a few assentions, a solitary purpose of contact is secured, so other WTO parts can without much of a stretch appeal data and documentation. The national enquiry point is obliged to answer any sensible appeals. Enquiry focuses are typically legislative or ganizations, however their obligations can additionally be relegated to a private body. New Zealand s enquiry focuses are: Technical obstructions to exchange (specialized regulations) Standards New Zealand; sterile and phytosanitary Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 3. WTO negotiation to enable New Zealand to pursue high standards in trade. Exchange is basic for New Zealands monetary prosperity and development prospects. Just by offering products and administrations to different nations can New Zealand pay for the merchandise and administrations it imports from abroad. Worldwide exchange (fares and imports) represents around 60 percent of New Zealands aggregate monetary action. In 2013, New Zealands stock fares totalled $48 billion, while administration fares totaled $16 billion. New Zealand has an open economy that places few hindrances in the method for outside administrations suppliers or merchants. Yet our exporters frequently experience obstructions abro ad, which is the reason New Zealand seeks after a dynamic exchange motivation. To development and protect New Zealands premiums, we have to create and keep up our exporters right to gain entrance to businesses that matter. Since 2000, exchange understandings have multiplied around the world. As our worldwide rivals create new systems of exchange understandings, we have to match their advancement or danger our exporters being impeded. Unhindered commerce does not simply profit our exporters. New Zealand shippers and customers appreciate more extensive and less expensive access to numerous nations products and administrations. Diploma in Advance International Business Level-7(Newton College of Business Technology) 1